Guess the word
this game involves guessing a word letter by letter.
The game picks a word. Before showing you the word, the game replaces each letter in the word with a question mark. Your task is to guess letters that are in the word. If you guess a letter that is in the word, the game shows you where that letter is in the word by replacing one or more question marks with the letter. If you guess a letter that is not in the word, the game calls this an incorrect try. The game counts the number of tries, the number of incorrect tries, the number of incorrect tries in a row, and the number of excess incorrect tries (the number of incorrect tries minus the number of correct tries). Each of these measures can have a maximum value. If any of these measures reaches the maximum, your turn ends and the game takes a turn. Turns continue until no question marks remain.
You can use the game options to control the length of the word that the game picks and the maximum value for each measure. You can use the interface options to control how you input letters and what else to show in the game.