Prime numbers

This simple C program finds the prime numbers in a range.

C code

/* Find prime numbers

Version 1.3 (2019-01-25, revised 2019-03-04) */

/* Standard header file for fprintf, fputs, printf, puts */

#include <stdio.h>

/* Standard header file for EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS, free, malloc, NULL, realloc */

#include <stdlib.h>

/* Standard header file for strcmp */

#include <string.h>

/* Standard header file for sqrt */

#include <math.h>

/* Returns the position of a character in a character array */

unsigned char position_in_character_array (char const character)


char const character_array [] = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef";

unsigned char position = 0;

while ((character_array [position] != character) && (character_array [position] != 0))


position ++;


return position;


/* Returns the maximum position of a character in a character array across all characters in a string */

unsigned char maximum_position_in_character_array (char const * const string)


unsigned char position = 0;

unsigned char maximum_position = 0;

while ((string [position] != 0) && (maximum_position < 22))


unsigned char character_array_position = position_in_character_array (string [position]);

if (character_array_position > maximum_position)


maximum_position = character_array_position;


position ++;


return maximum_position;


/* Sets the default base indicator */

unsigned char default_base_indicator (int const argument_count, char const * const argument_array [])


unsigned char base_indicator = 'u';

unsigned char const zero = 1 << 0;

unsigned char const base_8 = 1 << 1;

unsigned char const uppercase_base_16_with_prefix = 1 << 2;

unsigned char const lowercase_base_16_with_prefix = 1 <<3;

unsigned char const uppercase_base_16_without_prefix = 1 << 4;

unsigned char const lowercase_base_16_without_prefix = 1 << 5;

unsigned char const ambiguous_base = 1 << 6;

unsigned char const found_base = 1 << 7;

unsigned char status = 0;

int argument_index;

for (argument_index = 1; argument_index < argument_count; argument_index ++)


char const * const string = argument_array [argument_index];

unsigned long int position = 0;

unsigned char maximum_position;

if (string [position] == '-')


position ++;


if (string [position] == '0')


position ++;

if (string [position] == 0)


status |= (found_base | zero);


else if ((string [position] != 'O') && (string [position] != 'o') && (string [position] != 'X') && (string [position] != 'x'))


maximum_position = maximum_position_in_character_array (& (string [position]));

if (maximum_position <8)


status |= (found_base | base_8);


else if (maximum_position < 10)


status |= (found_base | ambiguous_base);


else if (maximum_position < 16)


status |= (found_base | uppercase_base_16_without_prefix);


else if (maximum_position < 22)


status |= (found_base | lowercase_base_16_without_prefix);




if ((status & found_base) == 0)


if ((string [position] == 'O') || (string [position] == 'o'))


position ++;

maximum_position = maximum_position_in_character_array (& (string [position]));

if (maximum_position <8)


status |= base_8;



else if ((string [position] == 'X') || (string [position] == 'x'))


position ++;

maximum_position = maximum_position_in_character_array (& (string [position]));

if (maximum_position < 16)


status |= uppercase_base_16_with_prefix;


else if (maximum_position < 22)


status |= lowercase_base_16_with_prefix;





maximum_position = maximum_position_in_character_array (& (string [position]));

if (maximum_position < 10)


status |= ambiguous_base;


else if (maximum_position < 16)


status |= uppercase_base_16_without_prefix;


else if (maximum_position < 22)


status |= lowercase_base_16_without_prefix;






status &= ~ found_base;



if ((status == base_8) || (status == (zero | base_8)))


base_indicator = 'o';


else if ((status & lowercase_base_16_without_prefix) != 0)


base_indicator = 'x';


else if ((status & uppercase_base_16_without_prefix) != 0)


base_indicator = 'X';


else if ((status == lowercase_base_16_with_prefix) || (status == (uppercase_base_16_with_prefix | lowercase_base_16_with_prefix)))


base_indicator = 'x';


else if (status == uppercase_base_16_with_prefix)


base_indicator = 'X';




base_indicator = 'u';


return base_indicator;


/* Returns the value corresponding to the position of the character in the character array */

unsigned char value (unsigned char position)


unsigned char return_value;

if (position > 15)


return_value = position - 6;




return_value = position;


return return_value;


/* Converts a string representing an integer into an integer */

unsigned long long int string_as_integer (char const * const string, unsigned char const base_indicator, unsigned char * const error)


unsigned char const false = 0;

unsigned char const true = 1;

unsigned char negative = false;

unsigned long int position = 0;

unsigned char maximum_position;

unsigned char base = 0;

unsigned long long int integer = 0;

* error = 0;

if (string [position] == '-')


negative = true;

position ++;


if (string [position] == '0')


position ++;

if (string [position] == 0)


base = 1;


else if ((string [position] != 'O') && (string [position] != 'o') && (string [position] != 'X') && (string [position] != 'x'))


maximum_position = maximum_position_in_character_array (& (string [position]));

if (maximum_position <8)


base = 8;


else if ((maximum_position < 10) && (base_indicator != 'X') && (base_indicator != 'x'))


base = 10;


else if (maximum_position < 22)


base = 16;




* error = 1;




if (base == 0)


if ((string [position] == 'O') || (string [position] == 'o'))


position ++;

maximum_position = maximum_position_in_character_array (& (string [position]));

if (maximum_position <8)


base = 8;




* error = 8;



else if ((string [position] == 'X') || (string [position] == 'x'))


position ++;

maximum_position = maximum_position_in_character_array (& (string [position]));

if (maximum_position < 22)


base = 16;




* error = 16;





maximum_position = maximum_position_in_character_array (& (string [position]));

if ((maximum_position < 22) && ((base_indicator == 'X') || (base_indicator == 'x')))


base = 16;


else if (maximum_position < 10)


base = 10;


else if (maximum_position < 22)


base = 16;




* error = 1;




if (base > 0)


while ((string [position] > 0) && (* error == 0))


unsigned long long int previous_integer = integer;

if (integer > 0)


integer *= base;


integer += value (position_in_character_array (string [position]));

if ((previous_integer != 0) && (integer <= previous_integer))


* error = 255;


position ++;


if (negative == true)


integer = (- integer);



return integer;


/* If the input is clearly not prime, returns the nearest higher number that might be prime */

unsigned long long int upper_prime_candidate (unsigned long long int const input)


unsigned long long int candidate = input;

if (candidate < 2)


candidate = 2;




unsigned long long int const maximum_unsigned_long_long_int = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;

if ((candidate > 2) && ((candidate % 2) == 0))


candidate ++;


if ((candidate > 3) && (candidate < maximum_unsigned_long_long_int) && ((candidate % 3) ==0))


candidate += 2;



return candidate;


/* If the input is clearly not prime, returns the nearest lower number that might be prime */

unsigned long long int lower_prime_candidate (unsigned long long int const input)


unsigned long long int candidate = input;

if ((candidate > 2) && ((candidate % 2) == 0))


candidate --;


if ((candidate > 3) && ((candidate % 3) ==0))


candidate -= 2;


return candidate;


/* Returns the highest integer that is not greater than the square root of the input */

unsigned long int int_sqrt (unsigned long long int const input)


unsigned long int const maximum_unsigned_long_int = 0xFFFFFFFF;

unsigned long long int result = sqrt (input);

if (result > maximum_unsigned_long_int)


result = maximum_unsigned_long_int;


return result;


int main (int const argument_count, char const * const argument_array [])


int return_value = EXIT_SUCCESS;

char const * const program_file_name = argument_array [0];

unsigned char const option_help = 1 << 0;

unsigned char const option_version = 1 << 1;

char const * const option_string_array [] = { "?", "/?", "/H", "/h", "-?", "-H", "-h", "-help", "--help", "--version" };

unsigned char const option_value_array [] = { option_help, option_help, option_help, option_help, option_help, option_help, option_help, option_help, option_help, option_version };

unsigned char const option_string_count = sizeof (option_string_array) / sizeof (option_string_array [0]);

unsigned char const option_value_count = sizeof (option_value_array) / sizeof (option_value_array [0]);

unsigned char status = 0;

if (option_string_count != option_value_count)


unsigned char option_index;

fprintf (stderr, "%s: Internal error: The size of the option value array (%u) does not match the size of the option string array (%u)\n", program_file_name, option_value_count, option_string_count);

fputs ("index: value, string\n", stderr);

for (option_index = 0; (option_index < option_string_count) && (option_index < option_value_count); option_index ++)


fprintf (stderr, "%u: %u, %s\n", option_index, option_value_array [option_index], option_string_array [option_index]);


if (option_string_count > option_value_count)


for (option_index = option_value_count; option_index < option_string_count; option_index ++)


fprintf (stderr, "%u: [none], %s\n", option_index, option_string_array [option_index]);





for (option_index = option_string_count; option_index < option_value_count; option_index ++)


fprintf (stderr, "%u: %u, [none]\n", option_index, option_value_array [option_index]);



return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;




int argument_index;

/* Set options */

for (argument_index = 1; (argument_index < argument_count) && (status == 0); argument_index ++)


char const * const current_argument = argument_array [argument_index];

unsigned char const valid_option = 1 << 2;

unsigned char option_index;

status &= ~ valid_option;

for (option_index = 0; (option_index < option_string_count) && ((status & valid_option) == 0); option_index ++)


if (strcmp (option_string_array [option_index], current_argument) == 0)


status |= valid_option;

status |= option_value_array [option_index];




/* Print information */

if ((status & option_help) != 0)


printf ("Usage: %s [list of nonnegative integers separated by spaces]\n", program_file_name);

puts ("Print each prime number that is greater than or equal to the lowest integer in the list and less than or equal to the highest integer in the list.");


else if ((status & option_version) != 0)


puts ("Find prime numbers 1.3");




/* Read the arguments that are integers */

unsigned char base_indicator = default_base_indicator (argument_count, argument_array);

unsigned int integer_count = 0;

unsigned long long int minimum_integer = 0;

unsigned long long int maximum_integer = 0;

for (argument_index = 1; argument_index < argument_count; argument_index ++)


unsigned char error = 0;

unsigned long long int integer = string_as_integer (argument_array [argument_index], base_indicator, & error);

if (error == 0)


integer_count ++;

if (integer_count == 1)


minimum_integer = integer;

maximum_integer = integer;


else if (integer < minimum_integer)


minimum_integer = integer;


else if (integer > maximum_integer)


maximum_integer = integer;





char * message;

if (error == 1)


message = "Invalid integer";


else if (error == 8)


message = "Invalid octal integer";


else if (error == 16)


message = "Invalid hexadecimal integer";


else if (error == 255)


message = "Integer is too large";




message = "Unknown error";


fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", program_file_name, message, argument_array [argument_index]);

return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;



unsigned long long int first_candidate = upper_prime_candidate (minimum_integer);

unsigned long long int last_candidate = lower_prime_candidate (maximum_integer);

if (first_candidate <= last_candidate)


unsigned char const false = 0;

unsigned char const true = 1;

unsigned char reached_first_candidate = false;

if ((first_candidate <= 2) && (last_candidate >= 2))


reached_first_candidate = true;

puts ("2");


if ((first_candidate <= 3) && (last_candidate >= 3))


reached_first_candidate = true;

puts ("3");


if (last_candidate > 3)


unsigned short int const maximum_unsigned_short_int = 0xFFFF;

/* Set the print format strings */

char long_format_string [] = "%lu\n";

char long_long_format_string [] = "%llu\n";

long_format_string [2] = base_indicator;

long_long_format_string [3] = base_indicator;

/* Create an array to store some prime numbers */

unsigned long int last_candidate_for_prime_array = lower_prime_candidate (int_sqrt (last_candidate));

unsigned long int prime_array_size = (last_candidate_for_prime_array - 1) / 3;

unsigned long int * prime_array = NULL;

if (prime_array_size > 0)


/* The initial size of the array of prime numbers is likely to be too large, so we can try a smaller size if we cannot allocate enough memory for the initial size */

while ((prime_array_size > 0) && ((prime_array = malloc (prime_array_size * sizeof (unsigned long int))) == NULL))


prime_array_size *= 0.9;



unsigned long int candidate = 5;

unsigned short int short_prime_count = 0;

unsigned long int prime_count = 0;

unsigned char step = 0;

unsigned short int short_factor_candidate_count = 0;

unsigned long int square = candidate * candidate;

if (prime_array_size > 0)


/* Find prime numbers and store them in the array */



candidate += step;

if (step == 2)


/* Adjust the step size to skip the odd numbers greater than 5 that are equal to 3 mod 6, because they are divisible by 3 */

step = 4;




step = 2;


/* The maximum prime factor is not larger than the square root of the candidate */

while ((short_factor_candidate_count < short_prime_count) && (square <= candidate))


short_factor_candidate_count ++;

if (short_factor_candidate_count < prime_count)


square = (prime_array [short_factor_candidate_count ]) * (prime_array [short_factor_candidate_count ]);



/* Test whether any of the prime numbers that are less than the square root of the canddidate divide the candidate. We need not test whether the prime numbers 2 or 3 divide the candidate, because we have only considered candidates that are not divisible by 2 or 3. */

unsigned char found_factor = false;

unsigned short int prime_counter;

for (prime_counter = 0; (found_factor == false) && (prime_counter < short_factor_candidate_count); prime_counter ++)


if ((candidate % (prime_array [prime_counter])) == 0)


/* Found a factor, so the candidate is not prime */

found_factor = true;



if (found_factor == false)


/* Did not find a factor, so the candidate is prime and we can add it to the array */

prime_array [prime_count] = candidate;

prime_count ++;

if (candidate <= maximum_unsigned_short_int )


short_prime_count ++;




while ((prime_count < prime_array_size) && (candidate < last_candidate_for_prime_array));

if (prime_array_size > prime_count)


/* When we have found enough prime numbers, try to reduce the size of the array, so that it is only as large as we need */

void * new_prime_array;

prime_array_size = prime_count;

new_prime_array = realloc (prime_array, prime_array_size * sizeof (unsigned long int));

if ((new_prime_array != NULL) && (new_prime_array != prime_array))


prime_array = new_prime_array;



if (prime_array [prime_count - 1] >= first_candidate)


reached_first_candidate = true;

unsigned long int prime_counter = 0;

while (prime_array [prime_counter] < first_candidate)


prime_counter ++;


while (prime_counter < prime_count)


printf (long_format_string, prime_array [prime_counter]);

prime_counter ++;




/* If we have not already reached the first candidate, start from the first candidate */

if (reached_first_candidate == false)


if ((first_candidate % 6) == 1)


step = 2;




step = 4;



unsigned long int const maximum_unsigned_long_int = 0xFFFFFFFF;

unsigned long int last_long_candidate = lower_prime_candidate (maximum_unsigned_long_int);

if (first_candidate <= last_long_candidate)


/* Find some more prime numbers */

if (reached_first_candidate == false)


candidate = first_candidate - step;

reached_first_candidate = true;


if (last_candidate < last_long_candidate )


last_long_candidate = last_candidate;




candidate += step;

if (step == 2)


/* Adjust the step size to skip the odd numbers greater than 5 that are equal to 3 mod 6, because they are divisible by 3 */

step = 4;




step = 2;


/* The maximum prime factor is not larger than the square root of the candidate */

while ((short_factor_candidate_count < short_prime_count) && (square <= candidate))


short_factor_candidate_count ++;

if (short_factor_candidate_count < prime_count)


square = (prime_array [short_factor_candidate_count ]) * (prime_array [short_factor_candidate_count ]);



/* Test whether any of the prime numbers that are less than the square root of the canddidate divide the candidate. We need not test whether the prime numbers 2 or 3 divide the candidate, because we have only considered candidates that are not divisible by 2 or 3. */

unsigned char found_factor = false;

unsigned short int prime_counter;

for (prime_counter = 0; (found_factor == false) && (prime_counter < short_factor_candidate_count); prime_counter ++)


if ((candidate % (prime_array [prime_counter])) == 0)


/* Found a factor, so the candidate is not prime */

found_factor = true;



if ((found_factor == false) && (short_factor_candidate_count == prime_count) && (square <= candidate))


/* Try more potential factors, because the array does not contain enough prime numbers */

unsigned short int factor_candidate;

unsigned char factor_candidate_step;

unsigned short int last_factor_candidate = lower_prime_candidate (int_sqrt (candidate));

if (prime_count == 0)


factor_candidate = 0;

factor_candidate_step = 5;




factor_candidate = prime_array [prime_count - 1];

if ((factor_candidate % 6) == 1)


factor_candidate_step = 4;




factor_candidate_step = 2;



if (factor_candidate < last_factor_candidate)




factor_candidate += factor_candidate_step;

if ((candidate % factor_candidate) == 0)


/* Found a factor, so the candidate is not prime */

found_factor = true;


else if (factor_candidate_step == 2)


/* Adjust the step size to skip the odd numbers greater than 5 that are equal to 3 mod 6, because they are divisible by 3 */

factor_candidate_step = 4;




factor_candidate_step = 2;



while ((found_factor == false) && (factor_candidate < last_factor_candidate));



if (found_factor == false)


/* Did not find a factor, so the candidate is prime */

printf (long_format_string, candidate);



while (candidate < last_long_candidate);


if (candidate < last_candidate)


unsigned long int long_factor_candidate_count = short_factor_candidate_count;

unsigned long long int long_long_square = square;

unsigned long long int long_long_candidate;

if (reached_first_candidate == false)


long_long_candidate = first_candidate - step;




long_long_candidate = candidate;




long_long_candidate += step;

if (step == 2)


/* Adjust the step size to skip the odd numbers greater than 5 that are equal to 3 mod 6, because they are divisible by 3 */

step = 4;




step = 2;


/* The maximum prime factor is not larger than the square root of the candidate */

while ((long_factor_candidate_count < prime_count) && (long_long_square <= long_long_candidate))


long_factor_candidate_count ++;

if (long_factor_candidate_count < prime_count)


long_long_square = (1ull * prime_array [long_factor_candidate_count ]) * (prime_array [long_factor_candidate_count ]);



/* Test whether any of the prime numbers that are less than the square root of the canddidate divide the candidate. We need not test whether the prime numbers 2 or 3 divide the candidate, because we have only considered candidates that are not divisible by 2 or 3. */

unsigned char found_factor = false;

unsigned long int prime_counter;

for (prime_counter = 0; (found_factor == false) && (prime_counter < long_factor_candidate_count); prime_counter ++)


if ((long_long_candidate % (prime_array [prime_counter])) == 0)


/* Found a factor, so the candidate is not prime */

found_factor = true;



if ((found_factor == false) && (long_factor_candidate_count == prime_count) && (long_long_square <= long_long_candidate))


/* Try more potential factors, because the array does not contain enough prime numbers */

unsigned long int factor_candidate;

unsigned char factor_candidate_step;

unsigned long int last_factor_candidate = lower_prime_candidate (int_sqrt (long_long_candidate));

if (prime_count == 0)


factor_candidate = 0;

factor_candidate_step = 5;




factor_candidate = prime_array [prime_count - 1];

if ((factor_candidate % 6) == 1)


factor_candidate_step = 4;




factor_candidate_step = 2;



if (factor_candidate < last_factor_candidate)




factor_candidate += factor_candidate_step;

if ((long_long_candidate % factor_candidate) == 0)


/* Found a factor, so the candidate is not prime */

found_factor = true;


else if (factor_candidate_step == 2)


/* Adjust the step size to skip the odd numbers greater than 5 that are equal to 3 mod 6, because they are divisible by 3 */

factor_candidate_step = 4;




factor_candidate_step = 2;



while ((found_factor == false) && (factor_candidate < last_factor_candidate));



if (found_factor == false)


/* Did not find a factor, so the candidate is prime */

printf (long_long_format_string, long_long_candidate);



while (long_long_candidate < last_candidate);


if (prime_array != NULL)


free (prime_array);

prime_array = NULL;






return return_value;
