Books read by only one participant data listed by author

1536 books and 6 participants


BookRead by
Applying the dismal science: when economists give advice to governments (edited by Iain McLean and Colin Jennings)David
The best advice I ever got on marriage: transforming insights from respected husbands and wives (compiled by Jim Daly)David
The braille shorthand system (1959 revision)David
Conductors in conversation (edited by Robert Chesterman)David
Crime waves 1: the annual anthology of the Crime Writers Association (edited by H R F Keating)David
Ghost stories (compiled by Susan Hill)David
Great law and order stories (edited by John Mortimer)David
The Hellenistic world from Alexander to the Roman conquest: a selection of ancient sources in translation (edited by M M Austin)David
Holy Bible (Authorized version)David
Holy Bible (New English Translation)David
Holy Bible (New English version)David
More rivals of Sherlock Holmes (edited by Hugh Greene)David
New international manual of braille music notation (compiled by Bettye Krolick)David
The new Oxford book of light verse (edited by Kingsley Amis)David
The Penguin book of modern women's short stories (edited by Susan Hill)David
People (edited by Susan Hill)David
The rivals of Sherlock Holmes (edited by Hugh Greene)David
This is sailing (fourth edition, edited by Jim Saltonstall)David
Thou shalt not kill (short stories by John Mortimer and others)David
Wayward girls and wicked women (edited by Angela Carter)David
World religious reader (edited by Gwilym Beckerlegge)David

Apple Education

Everyone can code

BookRead by
Everyone can code adventuresEmma

Everyone can create series

BookRead by
Everyone can create photoAmy T

Health Education Council

BookRead by
Pregnancy: what you need to knowBecky


BookRead by
Minecraft guide to enchantments and potionsEmma
Minecraft guide to ocean survivalEmma
Minecraft guide to the Nether and the EndEmma
Minecraft: redstone handbookEmma

National Federation of the Blind

BookRead by
Building the lives we wantDavid

Kernel books

BookRead by
1. What color is the sunDavid
2. The freedom bellDavid
3. As the twig is bentDavid
4. Making hayDavid
5. The journeyDavid
6. Standing on one footDavid
7. When the blizzard blowsDavid
8. Toothpaste and railroad tracksDavid
9. Tapping the charcoalDavid
10. Old dogs and new tricksDavid
11. Beginnings and blueprintsDavid
12. Like cats and dogsDavid
13. Wall-to-wall thanksgivingDavid
14. Gray pancakes and gold horsesDavid
15. To touch the untouchable dreamDavid
16. Remember to feed the kittensDavid
17. Reflecting the flameDavid
18. Oh, wow!David
19. I can feel blue on MondayDavid
20. Reaching for the top in the land down underDavid
21. SafariDavid
22. SummitDavid
23. Not much of a muchnessDavid
24. The car, the sled, and the butch waxDavid
25. To reach for the starsDavid
26. The lessons of the earthDavid
27. ImagineDavid
28. CelebrateDavid
29. Beyond the funny treeDavid
30. FreedomDavid

National Geographic Kids

BookRead by
Go wild! Sea turtlesAmy T

Alphabetical list of authors


Peter Ackroyd

BookRead by
Thames: sacred riverDavid

John Adair

BookRead by
Effective time managementDavid

Douglas Adams

Dirk Gently's holistic detective agency
BookRead by
1. Dirk Gently's holistic detective agencyDavid
2. The long dark tea-time of the soulDavid
The hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy
BookRead by
2. The restaurant at the end of the universeDavid
3. Life, the universe, and everythingDavid
4. So long, and thanks for all the fishDavid
5. Mostly harmlessDavid

K C Adams

BookRead by
The Amazon rainforest: animal facts and photosAmy T

Faith Addis

BookRead by
The year of the cornflakeDavid
Green behind the earsDavid
Buttered side downDavid
It's better than workDavid
Taking the biscuitDavid

Pedro de Alcantara

BookRead by
Indirect procedures: a musician's guide to the Alexander TechniqueDavid

F Matthias Alexander

BookRead by
The Alexander Technique: the essential writings of F Matthias Alexander, selected and introduced by Edward MaiselDavid

Mosaraf Ali

BookRead by
Dr Ali's nutrition bibleDavid

Kingsley Amis

BookRead by
The alterationDavid
The Amis collection: selected non-fiction from 1954 to 1990David
Biographer's moustacheDavid
Collected short storiesDavid
The crime of the centuryDavid
Difficulties with girlsDavid
Ending upDavid
The folks that live on the hillDavid
Girl, 20David
The green manDavid
I like it here (abridged)David
I want it nowDavid
Lucky JimDavid
The old devilsDavid
One fat EnglishmanDavid
The Riverside Villas murderDavid
The Russian girlDavid
Stanley and the womenDavid
Take a girl like youDavid
That uncertain feelingDavid
We are all guiltyDavid
You can't do bothDavid

Martin Amis

BookRead by
Dead babiesDavid
Einstein's monstersDavid
The information: a novelDavid
London FieldsDavid
The moronic inferno and other visits to AmericaDavid
Other peopleDavid
The Rachel papersDavid
Time's arrowDavid

Hans Christian Anderson

BookRead by
The emperor's new clothesBecky
Fairy talesDavid

Kenneth R Andrews

BookRead by
Drake's voyagesDavid

Jay Anson

BookRead by
The Amityville horrorDavid


BookRead by
The voyage of Argo (translated by E V Rieu) )David

Colin Aston

BookRead by
Creative piano and keyboard playing, improvising, and composingDavid

David Attenborough

BookRead by
Discovering life on earthDavid
Life in cold bloodDavid
The life of birdsDavid
Life on airDavid
Life on earthDavid
The living planetDavid
Zoo quest in ParaguayDavid
Zoo quest to MadagascarDavid

Margaret Atwood

BookRead by
Alias GraceDavid
The blind assassinDavid
Bluebeard's eggDavid
Bodily harmDavid
Cat's eyeDavid
The edible womanDavid
The handmaid's taleDavid
Lady oracleDavid
Life before manDavid
Murder in the darkDavid
Oryx and CrakeDavid
The robber brideDavid
Wilderness tipsDavid

Jane Austen

BookRead by
A collection of lettersDavid
The history of EnglandDavid
Lady SusanDavid
Lesley CastleDavid
The letters of Jane Austen (abridged)David
The works of Jane Austen: Volume 6: Minor worksDavid
Love and friendshipDavid
Mansfield ParkDavid
Northanger AbbeyDavid
Pride and prejudiceDavid
The WatsonsDavid
The three sistersDavid

Wilbert Awdry

Railway series
BookRead by
1. The three railway enginesDavid
2. Thomas the tank engineDavid
4. Tank engine Thomas againDavid
7. Toby the tram engineDavid
13. Duck and the diesel engineDavid
14. The little old engineDavid
18. Stepney the Bluebell engineDavid
24. Oliver the Western engineDavid

Pam Ayres

BookRead by
Down the lineBecky
The necessary aptitude: a memoirBecky


Vanessa Bailey

BookRead by
The good hair guideDavid

Beryl Bainbridge

BookRead by
According to QueeneyDavid
An awfully big adventureDavid
The birthday boysDavid
The bottle factory outingDavid
The dressmakerDavid
English journeyDavid
Every man for himselfDavid
Harriet saidDavid
Master GeorgieDavid
Mum and Mr ArmitageDavid
A quiet lifeDavid
Sweet WilliamDavid
Watson's apologyDavid
Winter gardenDavid
Young AdolfDavid

Sandy Balfour

BookRead by
What I love about cricketDavid

Honore de Balzac

BookRead by
La cousine BetteDavid
Eugenie GrandetDavid
Old GoriotDavid

Eric Barfoot

BookRead by
Airborne for the durationBecky

Karen Barker

Kim Jones and Karen Barker
BookRead by
Human movement explainedDavid

J M Barrie

BookRead by
Peter PanDavid

Jonathan Bartlett

BookRead by
Programming from the ground upDavid

Nina Bawden

BookRead by
Carrie's warAmy T

Brandon Bays

BookRead by
Freedom isDavid

Heidi Bee

BookRead by
Would you rather ... The Harry Potter fan edition!Amy T

Sharon Begley

BookRead by
Train your mind, change your brainDavid

Arnold Bennett

BookRead by
Anna of the five townsDavid
The cardDavid
The Grand Babylon hotelDavid
Helen with the high handDavid
Hilda LesswaysDavid
Imperial PalaceDavid
The matador of the five townsDavid
The old wives' taleDavid
The pretty ladyDavid
Riceyman stepsDavid
These twainDavid
Whom God hath joinedDavid

Tara Bennett-Goleman

BookRead by
Emotional alchemyDavid

Rosalie Bertell

BookRead by
Planet Earth: the latest weapon of warDavid

John Betjeman

BookRead by
The best of Betjeman (selected by John Guest)David
Collected poemsDavid
Summoned by bellsDavid

Elisabeth Beresford

BookRead by
The four of usDavid
The womblesDavid

Stacy Bias

Rachel Bussel and Stacy Bias
BookRead by
Up all nightDavid

Thomas Bickford

BookRead by
Care and feeding of the long white caneDavid

Christopher Bigsby

BookRead by
Arthur Miller from 1915 to 1962David

Jack Black

BookRead by
The ideal fitness programme for the mindDavid

Algernon Blackwood

BookRead by
Tales of the uncanny and supernatural (abridged by the BBC)David

William Blake

BookRead by
Selected poems (selected and edited by Peter Butter)David

Mark Blaug

BookRead by
John Maynard Keynes: life, ideas, legacyDavid

Robert Bloch

BookRead by

William Blum

BookRead by
Rogue stateDavid

Enid Blyton

Faraway tree series
BookRead by
1. The enchanted woodAmy T
2. The magic faraway treeAmy T
3. The folk of the faraway treeAmy T
4. Up the faraway treeAmy T

Michael Bond

Paddington Bear series
BookRead by
2. More about PaddingtonDavid
3. Paddington helps outDavid
4. Paddington abroadDavid
5. Paddington at largeDavid
9. Paddington takes the airDavid
12. Paddington on topDavid
14. Paddington takes the testDavid
Monsieur Pamplemousse series
BookRead by
1. Monsieur PamplemousseDavid
2. Monsieur Pamplemousse and the secret missionDavid
3. Monsieur Pamplemousse on the spotDavid
4. Monsieur Pamplemousse takes the cureDavid
5. Monsieur Pamplemousse aloftDavid
6. Monsieur Pamplemousse investigatesDavid

Karine Bohme

Karine Bohme with Frances Budden
BookRead by
The silent thiefDavid

Adrian Boult

BookRead by
My own trumpetDavid
Thoughts on conductingDavid

Richard Branson

BookRead by
Losing my virginityDavid

David Bray

BookRead by
Braille music primerDavid

Michael Brett

BookRead by
How to read the financial pagesDavid

Jim Bright

BookRead by
Brilliant CVDavid

Sarah Brown

BookRead by
Cooking with a microwave: 101 essential tipsDavid

Silas Brown

BookRead by
The M3GAN filesDavid

Lara Bryan

Lara Bryan and Rose Hall
BookRead by
Law for beginners (Usborne)Emma
Lara Bryan and Andrew Prentice
BookRead by
Economics for beginners (Usborne)Emma
Eddie Reynolds, Matthew Oldham, and Lara Bryan
BookRead by
Money for beginners (Usborne)Emma

Lothar-Günther Buchheim

BookRead by
Das BootDavid

Frances Budden

Karine Bohme with Frances Budden
BookRead by
The silent thiefDavid

Julian Budden

BookRead by
The operas of Verdi volume 1 (from Oberto to Rigoletto)David
The operas of Verdi volume 2 (from Il trovatore to La forza del destino)David

Frances Hodgson Burnett

BookRead by
A little princessAmy T

Rachel Bussel

Rachel Bussel and Stacy Bias
BookRead by
Up all nightDavid


Diana Cage

BookRead by
Girl meets girl: a dating survival guideDavid

Warwick Cairns

BookRead by
About the size of itDavid

Nicky Campbell

BookRead by
Blue-eyed son: the story of an adoptionBecky

Allen Carr

BookRead by
Allen Carr's easy way to stop smokingDavid

Lewis Carroll

BookRead by
Alice's adventures in WonderlandDavid
Through the looking glassDavid

Ally Carter

Gallagher girls series
BookRead by
1. I'd tell you I love you, but then I'd have to kill youAmy T

Angela Carter

BookRead by
Black VenusDavid
Heroes and villainsDavid
The magic toyshopDavid
Nights at the circusDavid
Wise childrenDavid

Kevin Cashman

BookRead by
Leadership from the inside outDavid

Miguel de Cervantes

BookRead by
The adventures of Don QuixoteDavid

Matt Chandler

Matt Chandler with Jared C Wilson
BookRead by
The explicit gospelDavid

Anton Chekhov

BookRead by
Five short stories (abridged)David

Agatha Christie

BookRead by
4:50 from PaddingtonDavid
The ABC murdersDavid
The adventures of the Christmas puddingDavid
And then there were noneDavid
Appointment with deathDavid
At Bertram's HotelDavid
An autobiographyDavid
The Big FourDavid
The body in the libraryDavid
By the pricking of my thumbsDavid
Cards on the tableDavid
A Caribbean mysteryDavid
Cat among the pigeonsDavid
The clocksDavid
Crooked houseDavid
Dead man's follyDavid
Death comes as the endDavid
Death in the cloudsDavid
Death on the NileDavid
Destination unknownDavid
Dumb witnessDavid
Elephants can rememberDavid
Endless nightDavid
Evil under the sunDavid
Five little pigsDavid
Hallowe'en partyDavid
Hercule Poirot's ChristmasDavid
Hickory dickory dockDavid
The HollowDavid
Hound of deathDavid
Labours of HerculesDavid
The Listerdale mysteryDavid
Lord Edgware diesDavid
The man in the brown suitDavid
The mirror crack'd from side to sideDavid
Miss Marple's final casesDavid
Mrs McGinty's deadDavid
The moving fingerDavid
Murder at the vicarageDavid
Murder in MesopotamiaDavid
Murder in the mewsDavid
A murder is announcedDavid
Murder is easyDavid
The murder of Roger AckroydDavid
Murder on the Orient ExpressDavid
The mysterious affair at StylesDavid
The mysterious Mr QuinDavid
The mystery of the Blue TrainDavid
N or M?David
One, two, buckle my shoeDavid
Ordeal by innocenceDavid
The Pale HorseDavid
Parker Pyne investigatesDavid
Passenger to FrankfurtDavid
A pocket full of ryeDavid
Poirot investigatesDavid
Poirot's early casesDavid
Postern of fateDavid
Sad cypressDavid
Secret adversaryDavid
The secret of ChimneysDavid
The Seven Dials mysteryDavid
The Sittaford mysteryDavid
Sleeping murderDavid
Sparkling cyanideDavid
Taken at the floodDavid
They came to BaghdadDavid
They do it with mirrorsDavid
Third girlDavid
Thirteen problemsDavid
Towards zeroDavid
Why didn't they ask Evans?David

John Clark

John Clark and Colin Yallop
BookRead by
An introduction to phonetics and phonologyDavid

Arthur C Clarke

BookRead by
2001: a space odysseyDavid
2010: odyssey twoDavid
2061: odyssey threeDavid
3001: the final odysseyDavid
The fountains of paradiseDavid
The hammer of godDavid
Rendezvous with RamaDavid
The songs of distant EarthDavid
Tales from planet EarthDavid
Three act tragedyDavid
Voices from the skyDavid
The wind from the SunDavid
Arthur C Clarke and M Kube-McDowell
BookRead by
The triggerDavid
Arthur C Clarke and Gentry Lee
BookRead by
The garden of RamaDavid
Rama IIDavid
Rama revealedDavid
Arthur C Clarke and Mike McQuay
BookRead by
Richter 10David

Jon Cleary

BookRead by
The Beaufort sistersDavid
The city of fading lightDavid
High road to ChinaDavid
Man's estateDavid
Mask of the AndesDavid
A sound of lightningDavid
The sundownersDavid
Scobie Malone books
BookRead by
3. RansomDavid
8. Pride's harvestDavid
9. Dark summerDavid
10. Bleak springDavid
12. Winter chillDavid
13. EndpeaceDavid
19. The easy sinDavid

Ann Cleeves

Shetland series
Four seasons quartet
BookRead by
1. Raven blackBecky

John Cleland

BookRead by
Memoirs of a woman of pleasureDavid

David Colbert

BookRead by
The magical worlds of Harry PotterDavid

Vernon Coleman

BookRead by
How to conquer arthritisDavid


BookRead by
Chance acquaintancesDavid
The collected stories of ColetteDavid
Julie de CarneilhanDavid
Le ToutounierDavid
Retreat from loveDavid

Jackie Collins

BookRead by
Hollywood divorcesDavid
Hollywood husbandsBecky
Hollywood wivesDavid
Lovers and playersDavid

Wilkie Collins

BookRead by
Basil (abridged)David
Dead secretDavid
The fallen leavesDavid
Heart and scienceDavid
The moonstoneDavid
No nameDavid
Poor Miss FinchDavid
The woman in whiteDavid
Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins
BookRead by

Barbara Comyns

BookRead by
The juniper tree (abridged by the BBC)David
Our spoons came from WoolworthsDavid
The skin chairs (abridged by the BBC)David
The vet's daughterDavid

Richard Condon

BookRead by
Any god will doDavid
An infinity of mirrorsDavid
The Manchurian candidateDavid
Prizzi's gloryDavid
Winter killsDavid

Pat Conway

BookRead by
Instant guitar!David

Susan Coolidge

BookRead by
1. What Katy didDavid
2. What Katy did at schoolDavid
3. What Katy did nextDavid

Jilly Cooper

BookRead by
The Common yearsDavid
Lisa and coDavid
The Rutshire chronicles
BookRead by
1. RidersDavid
2. RivalsDavid
3. PoloDavid
4. The man who made husbands jealousDavid
5. AppassionataDavid
6. Score!David
7. PandoraDavid
8. Wicked!David
9. Jump!David

Sam Copeland

BookRead by
Uma and the answer to absolutely everythingEmma

Barbara Cousins

BookRead by
Cooking withoutDavid

Stephen R Covey

BookRead by
The seven habits of highly effective peopleDavid
Stephen R Covey, A Roger Merrill, and Rebecca R Merrill
BookRead by
First things firstDavid

Simon Cowell

BookRead by
I don't mean to be rude, but ...Becky

Suzanne Cunningham

BookRead by
What is a mind? - an integrative introduction to the philosophy of mindDavid

Donald Currie

BookRead by
Introduction to human resource managementDavid

Berni Curwen

Berni Curwen, Stephen Palmer, and Peter Ruddell
BookRead by
Brief cognitive behaviour therapyDavid


Jenny Daisley

James Traeger, Jenny Daisley, and Liz Willis
BookRead by
Navigator: men's development workbookDavid

Dalai Lama

BookRead by
Words of wisdom: selected quotes from his holiness the Dalai Lama (compiled by Margaret Gee)David

Charles Darwin

BookRead by
The origin of speciesDavid

Richard Dawkins

BookRead by
The blind watchmakerDavid
A devil's chaplainDavid
The god delusionDavid
The selfish geneDavid

Terry Deary

Horrible histories series
BookRead by
Have yourself a ... horrible ChristmasAmy T
Measly Middle Ages (new edition)Emma
Rotten rulersEmma

Daniel Defoe

BookRead by
Captain SingletonDavid
Moll FlandersDavid
Robinson CrusoeDavid

Len Deighton

BookRead by
Billion-dollar brainDavid
City of goldDavid
Close upDavid
Declarations of warDavid
An expensive place to dieDavid
Funeral in BerlinDavid
Goodbye Mickey MouseDavid
Horse under waterDavid
The Ipcress fileDavid
Spy storyDavid
Twinkle, twinkle, little spyDavid
Violent wardDavid
Yesterday's spyDavid
Bernard Samson books
BookRead by
Berlin gameDavid
Mexico setDavid
London matchDavid
Spy hookDavid
Spy lineDavid
Spy sinkerDavid

Geoffrey Ernest Maurice de Sainte Croix

BookRead by
The class struggle in the ancient Greek world: from the archaic age to the Arab conquestsDavid

Kevin DeYoung

BookRead by
Taking God at his wordDavid

Charles Dickens

BookRead by
American notes: for general circulationDavid
Barnaby RudgeDavid
Bleak HouseDavid
Christmas storiesDavid
David CopperfieldDavid
Dombey and SonDavid
Great expectationsDavid
Hard timesDavid
Little DorritDavid
Martin ChuzzlewitDavid
The mystery of Edwin DroodDavid
Nicholas NicklebyDavid
The old curiosity shopDavid
Oliver TwistDavid
Our mutual friendDavid
The Pickwick papersDavid
The signalman and other ghost storiesDavid
A tale of two citiesDavid
The uncommercial traveller and reprinted piecesDavid
Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins
BookRead by

Stephen Donaldson

The chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the unbeliever
BookRead by
1. Lord Foul's baneDavid
2. The Illearth warDavid
3. The power that preservesDavid
The second chronicles of Thomas Covenant
BookRead by
1. The wounded landDavid
2. The One TreeDavid
3. White gold wielderDavid
The gap cycle
BookRead by
1. The gap into conflict: the real storyDavid
2. The gap into vision: forbidden knowledgeDavid
3. The gap into power: a dark and hungry god arisesDavid
4. The gap into madness: chaos and orderDavid
5. The gap into ruin: this day all gods dieDavid

Lyle Dorsett

BookRead by
A passion for God: the spiritual journey of A W TozerDavid

Fyodor Dostoevsky

BookRead by
The Brothers KaramazovDavid
Crime and punishmentDavid
The house of the deadDavid
The idiotDavid

Arthur Conan Doyle

BookRead by
The adventures of Sherlock HolmesDavid
The casebook of Sherlock HolmesDavid
The complete Sherlock HolmesDavid
The exploits of Brigadier GerardDavid
The hound of the BaskervillesDavid
The lost worldDavid
Memoirs of Sherlock HolmesDavid
The return of Sherlock HolmesDavid
Rodney StoneDavid
Round the fire storiesDavid
The sign of four (abridged by the BBC)David
Sir NigelDavid
A study in scarlet (abridged by the BBC)David
Uncle BernacDavid
Uncollected storiesDavid
The White CompanyDavid

Holly Dressel

David Suzuki and Holly Dressel
BookRead by
Good news for a change: hope for a troubled planetDavid

Grace Driscoll

Mark and Grace Driscoll
BookRead by
Real marriageDavid

Mark Driscoll

Mark and Grace Driscoll
BookRead by
Real marriageDavid

Ruth Dudley Edwards

BookRead by
Corridors of deathDavid

Alexandre Dumas

BookRead by
The black tulipDavid
The count of Monte CristoDavid
The man in the iron maskDavid
Marguerite de ValoisDavid
The three musketeersDavid

Daphne du Maurier

BookRead by
The apple treeDavid
Classics of the macabreDavid
The flight of the falconDavid
Frenchman's creekDavid
The glass-blowersDavid
Golden ladsDavid
Growing painsDavid
The house on the strandDavid
Hungry HillDavid
I'll never be young againDavid
Jamaica InnDavid
The king's generalDavid
The loving spiritDavid
Mary AnneDavid
My cousin RachelDavid
The parasitesDavid
Rule BritanniaDavid
The scapegoatDavid
Vanishing CornwallDavid
The winding stairDavid

Gerald Durrell

BookRead by
Beasts in my belfryDavid
Catch me a colobusDavid
Fillets of plaiceDavid
Golden bats and pink pigeonsDavid
How to shoot an Amateur NaturalistDavid
Island zooDavid
The picnic and suchlike pandemoniumDavid
Rosy is my relativeDavid
The stationary arkDavid
The talking parcelDavid
Three singles to adventureDavid
Two in the bushDavid
A zoo in my luggageDavid
Corfu trilogy
BookRead by
1. My family and other animalsDavid
2. Birds, beasts, and relativesDavid
3. The garden of the godsDavid


Charles Le Gai Eaton

BookRead by
Islam and the destiny of manDavid

Dorothy Edwards

BookRead by
The magician who kept a pubDavid
My naughty little sisterDavid
My naughty little sister's friendsDavid
When my naughty little sister was goodDavid

T S Eliot

BookRead by
Murder in the cathedralDavid

Ben Elton

BookRead by
Dead famousDavid

Marcus Emerson

Kid Youtuber series
BookRead by
1. Kid YoutuberEmma
2. Kid Youtuber 2: hungry for moreEmma

F A Emery

BookRead by
The ringDavid

Friedrich Engels

BookRead by
The condition of the working class in EnglandDavid

Margarita Engle

BookRead by
The sky painter: Louis Fuertes, bird artistAmy T

George Erickson

BookRead by
True northDavid
Unintended consequences: the lie that killed millions and accelerated climate changeDavid

Dennis Etchison

BookRead by
The fogMalcolm

Richard J Evans

BookRead by
The coming of the Third ReichDavid

Michael W Eysenck

Michael W Eysenck and Cara Flanagan
BookRead by
Psychology for AS levelDavid


Angela Fagan

BookRead by
Brilliant job huntingDavid

John Farrand

BookRead by

Wimpy Fart

BookRead by
Diary of a farting creeper: book 1: why does the creeper fart when he should explode?Amy T

Jeff Feldhahn

Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn
BookRead by
For men onlyDavid

Shaunti Feldhahn

BookRead by
For women onlyDavid
Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn
BookRead by
For men onlyDavid

Niall Ferguson

BookRead by
The ascent of moneyDavid

Paul Feyerabend

BookRead by
Against methodDavid

Zlata Filipović

BookRead by
Zlata's diary: a child's life in SarajevoBecky

Judy Finnigan

Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan
BookRead by
Richard and Judy: the autobiographyBecky

F Scott Fitzgerald

BookRead by

Cara Flanagan

Michael W Eysenck and Cara Flanagan
BookRead by
Psychology for AS levelDavid

Gustave Flaubert

BookRead by
Madame BovaryDavid
Sentimental educationDavid

Ian Fleming

James Bond books
BookRead by
1. Casino RoyaleDavid
2. Live and let dieDavid
3. MoonrakerDavid
4. Diamonds are foreverDavid
5. From Russia with loveDavid
6. Dr NoDavid
7. GoldfingerDavid
8. For your eyes only (includes "From a view to a kill", "For your eyes only", "Quantum of solace", "Risico", and "The Hildebrand rarity")David
9. ThunderballDavid
11. On her majesty's secret serviceDavid
12. You only live twiceDavid
13. The man with the golden gunDavid
14. Octopussy (includes "Octopussy", "The living daylights", and "The property of a lady")David

Joan Flory

Barbara Windsor and Joan Flory
BookRead by
Barbara: the laughter and tears of a cockney sparrowDavid

Matt Fontaine

James McKenna, Jeannine Glista, and Matt Fontaine
BookRead by
How to turn $100 into $1,000,000Emma

Kate Forster

BookRead by
The best worst ChristmasAmy T

Frederick Forsyth

BookRead by
The day of the JackalDavid
The deceiverDavid
The devil's alternativeDavid
The dogs of warDavid
The fist of godDavid
The fourth protocolDavid
The negotiatorDavid
The Odessa fileDavid
The phantom of ManhattanDavid
The shepherdDavid

Anne Frank

BookRead by
The diary of a young girlBecky

Antonia Fraser

BookRead by
The lives of the kings and queens of EnglandDavid
Love and Louis XIV: the women in the life of the Sun KingDavid

Nancy Friday

BookRead by
The power of beautyDavid

Adam Frost

BookRead by
The awesome book of spaceEmma

Benjamin Fry

Jay Hunt and Benjamin Fry
BookRead by


Timothy Gallwey

Barry Green with Timothy Gallwey
BookRead by
The inner game of musicDavid

Anita Ganeri

Horrible geography series
BookRead by
Desperate desertsEmma
Earth-shattering earthquakesAmy T
Stormy weatherAmy T

Jeannine Glista

James McKenna, Jeannine Glista, and Matt Fontaine
BookRead by
How to turn $100 into $1,000,000Emma

Rumer Godden

BookRead by
A candle for Saint JudeDavid
Coromandel sea changeDavid
The diddakoiDavid
The doll's houseDavid
An episode of sparrowsDavid
The greengage summerDavid
A house with four roomsDavid
In this house of BredeDavid
Pippa passesDavid
The peacock springDavid
The riverDavid
Thursday's childrenDavid
A time to dance, no time to weepDavid
The valiant chatti-makerDavid

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

BookRead by
The sorrows of young WertherDavid

Ben Goldacre

BookRead by
Bad scienceDavid

William Golding

BookRead by
Close quartersDavid
The double tongueDavid
Fire down belowDavid
The inheritorsDavid
Lord of the fliesDavid
A moving targetDavid
The paper menDavid
Pincher MartinDavid
The pyramidDavid
Rites of passageDavid
The scorpion godDavid

Ari L Goldman

BookRead by
Being JewishDavid

Terry Gourvish

BookRead by
British Rail from 1974 to 1997David

Caroline Graham

BookRead by
Camilla and Charles: the love storyBecky

Robert Graves

BookRead by
Claudius the godDavid
The golden fleeceDavid
Goodbye to all thatDavid
I, ClaudiusDavid
In broken imagesDavid

Barry Green

Barry Green with Timothy Gallwey
BookRead by
The inner game of musicDavid

Jen Green

BookRead by
Mapping a schoolEmma

Graham Greene

BookRead by
Brighton rockDavid
A burnt-out caseDavid
The captain and the enemyDavid
Collected essaysDavid
Dr Fischer of GenevaDavid
The end of the affairDavid
Getting to know the generalDavid
The honorary consulDavid
The human factorDavid
Loser takes allDavid
The man withinDavid
Monsignor QuixoteDavid
Our man in HavanaDavid
The power and the gloryDavid
The quiet AmericanDavid
A sort of lifeDavid
The tenth manDavid
Travels with my auntDavid
Yours, etcetera: letters to the pressDavid

Germaine Greer

BookRead by
Daddy, we hardly knew youDavid
The madwoman's underclothesDavid
Sex and destinyDavid

Josh Gregory

BookRead by
Starter guide to MinecraftEmma

Richard L Gregory

BookRead by
Eye and brain: the psychology of seeingDavid
Mirrors in mindDavid

Joyce Grenfell

BookRead by
Darling ma: letters to her mother, 1932 to 1944David
In pleasant placesDavid
Joyce Grenfell requests the pleasureDavid
Joyce Grenfell and Katherine Moore
BookRead by
An invisible friendshipDavid

John Gribbin

BookRead by
Schrodinger's kittens and the search for realityDavid

Nina Grunfeld

BookRead by
How to get what you wantDavid


Mark Haddon

BookRead by
The curious incident of the dog in the night-timeDavid

Richard Hadyn

BookRead by
The journal of Edwin Carp (abridged)David

Ida Haendel

BookRead by
Woman with violinDavid

Matt Haig

BookRead by
A mouse called MiikaAmy T
Runaway trollAmy T
Shadow forestAmy T

John R Hale

BookRead by
Lords of the seaDavid

Alex Haley

BookRead by

Rose Hall

Lara Bryan and Rose Hall
BookRead by
Law for beginners (Usborne)Emma

Virginia Hamilton

BookRead by
In the beginningDavid

Helene Hanff

BookRead by
Q's legacyDavid
Underfoot in show businessDavid

Thomas Hardy

BookRead by
A changed manDavid
Desperate remediesDavid
Far from the madding crowdDavid
A group of noble damesDavid
Jude the obscureDavid
The mayor of CasterbridgeDavid
Outside the gates of the worldDavid
A pair of blue eyesDavid
The return of the nativeDavid
Tess of the d'UrbervillesDavid
The trumpet majorDavid
Two on a tower: a romanceDavid
Under the greenwood treeDavid
Wessex talesDavid
The woodlandersDavid

Tim Harford

BookRead by
The logic of lifeDavid

Samantha Harrington-Lowe

BookRead by
Alcoholism: the family guideDavid

Robert Harris

BookRead by
Pompeii (abridged)David

Rolf Harris

BookRead by
Can you tell what it is yet?David
Win or die!David

L P Hartley

BookRead by
The betrayalDavid
The brickfieldDavid
The go-betweenDavid
Poor ClareDavid
The will and the wayDavid
Eustace and Hilda trilogy
BookRead by
1. The shrimp and the anemoneDavid
2. The sixth heavenDavid
3. Eustace and HildaDavid

Stephen Hawking

BookRead by
A brief history of timeDavid
Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
BookRead by
A briefer history of timeDavid

Tony Hawks

BookRead by
Round Ireland with a fridgeShaun

Tim Healy

BookRead by
World's greatest trialsDavid

Christopher Headington

BookRead by
Peter Pears: a biographyDavid

Nicolette Heaton-Harris

BookRead by
Sexually transmitted infections: the essential guideDavid

Ernest Hemingway

BookRead by
Death in the afternoonDavid
A farewell to armsDavid
For whom the bell tollsDavid
Islands in the streamDavid
The old man and the seaDavid
To have and have notDavid
True at first lightDavid

John Henry

BookRead by
Braille music: an international surveyDavid

James Herriot

BookRead by
Every living thingDavid
It shouldn't happen to a vetDavid
James Herriot's cat storiesDavid
James Herriot's favourite dog storiesDavid
James Herriot's YorkshireDavid
James Herriot's Yorkshire storiesDavid
The Lord God made them allDavid
Vet in a spinDavid
Vets might flyDavid

Kate Hewitt

Return to Willoughby Close series
BookRead by
Cupcakes for ChristmasAmy T

Susan Hill

BookRead by
Air and angelsDavid
A bit of singing and dancingDavid
Gentleman and ladiesDavid
I'm the king of the castleDavid
In the springtime of the yearDavid
The magic apple treeDavid
The mist in the mirrorDavid
Mrs de WinterDavid
The woman in blackDavid

Sheila Hocken

BookRead by
Emma and IDavid

Christopher Hogwood

BookRead by

Tom Holland

BookRead by

Anne Holm

BookRead by
I am DavidDavid

Sarah Horton

Patrick J Lynch and Sarah Horton
BookRead by
Web style guide (fourth edition)David

Khaled Hosseini

BookRead by
The kite runnerDavid

Jill Hucklesby

RSPCA animal rescue pets
BookRead by
6. Bunny needs a friendEmma

Ted Hughes

BookRead by
Moon bells and other poemsDavid
Moon whalesDavid

Thomas Hughes

BookRead by
Tom Brown's school daysDavid

Victor Hugo

BookRead by
Les MisérablesDavid
Notre-Dame of ParisDavid

Jay Hunt

Jay Hunt and Benjamin Fry
BookRead by

Erin Hunter

Warriors series
Warriors: the prophecies begin
BookRead by
1. Into the wildEmma

Aldous Huxley

BookRead by
The art of seeingDavid


Vicki Iovine

BookRead by
Best friend's guide to pregnancyBecky


Tom Jackson

BookRead by
Pandemic: when virus goes viral (Basher Science Mini)Emma

Henry James

BookRead by
The ambassadorsDavid
The AmericanDavid
The Aspern papersDavid
The author of BeltraffioDavid
Daisy MillerDavid
The EuropeansDavid
The golden bowlDavid
The great short novels of Henry James (volume 1) (includes "Madame de Mauves", "Daisy Miller", "An international episode", "The siege of London", and "Lady Barbarina")David
The great short novels of Henry James (volume 3) (includes "The turn of the screw" and "The beast in the jungle")David
Portrait of a ladyDavid
The pupilDavid
The Reverberator (abridged by the BBC)David
Roderick HudsonDavid
The turn of the screwDavid
Washington SquareDavid
The wings of the doveDavid

Lawrence James

BookRead by
The British EmpireDavid

M R James

BookRead by
Ghost storiesDavid
Ghost stories of an antiquaryDavid
A warning to the curiousDavid

Robin Jarvis

Deptford mice trilogy
BookRead by
2. The crystal prisonDavid

Lisa Jewell

BookRead by
A friend of the familyDavid
One-hit wonderDavid

Jo Johnson

BookRead by
The pill: an essential guideDavid

Kevin Johnson

Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson
BookRead by
Resolving everyday conflictDavid

Kim Jones

Kim Jones and Karen Barker
BookRead by
Human movement explainedDavid

Robert Jordan

BookRead by
The eye of the worldDavid
The Conan chronicles
BookRead by
1. Conan the invincibleDavid
2. Conan the defenderDavid
3. Conan the unconqueredDavid

Belle de Jour

BookRead by
The intimate adventures of a London call girlDavid

James Joyce

BookRead by
The essential James JoyceDavid
Poems and shorter writings (edited by Richard Ellmann, A Walton Litz, and John Whittier-Ferguson)David
Stephen HeroDavid

Penny Junor

BookRead by
Charles: victim or villainDavid


Franz Kafka

BookRead by

Herbert von Karajan

BookRead by
My autobiography (as told to Franz Endler)David

Adam Kay

BookRead by
This is going to hurt: secret diaries of a junior doctorBecky
Twas the nightshift before ChristmasBecky
Undoctored: the story of a medic who ran out of patientsBecky

H R F Keating

BookRead by
The bad detectiveDavid
The good detectiveDavid
Mrs CraggsDavid
A remarkable case of burglaryDavid
The strong manDavid
The undersideDavid
Inspector Ghote series
BookRead by
1. The perfect murderDavid
4. Inspector Ghote hunts the PeacockDavid
5. Inspector Ghote plays a jokerDavid
6. Inspector Ghote breaks an eggDavid
7. Inspector Ghote goes by trainDavid
8. Inspector Ghote trusts the heartDavid
9. Bats fly up for Inspector GhoteDavid
11. Inspector Ghote draws a lineDavid
12. The murder of the MaharajahDavid
13. Go west, Inspector GhoteDavid
14. The sheriff of BombayDavid
15. Under a monsoon cloudDavid
16. The body in the billiard roomDavid
17. Dead on timeDavid
18. The iciest sinDavid
20. Cheating deathDavid
22. Asking questionsDavid
23. Bribery, corruption alsoDavid
24. Breaking and enteringDavid

Kate Keenan

BookRead by
The management guide to communicatingDavid
The management guide to delegatingDavid
The management guide to making timeDavid
The management guide to motivatingDavid
The management guide to negotiatingDavid
The management guide to planningDavid
The management guide to running meetingsDavid
The management guide to solving problemsDavid
The management guide to understanding behaviourDavid

Helen Keller

BookRead by
The story of my lifeDavid

Judith Kerr

BookRead by
The tiger who came to teaDavid

Sadik Khan

BookRead by

David King

Gabrielle Walker and David King
BookRead by
The hot topic: how to tackle global warming and still keep the lights onDavid

Stephen King

BookRead by
The shiningMalcolm

Dick King-Smith

BookRead by
A mouse called WolfDavid

Jeff Kinney

Diary of a wimpy kid series
BookRead by
1. Diary of a wimpy kidEmma
4. Dog daysEmma
5. The ugly truthEmma
7. The third wheelEmma
8. Hard luckEmma
10. Old schoolEmma
12. The getawayEmma
18. No brainerEmma

Nancy Kline

BookRead by
Time to thinkDavid

Paul Kriwaczek

BookRead by

Bettye Krolick

BookRead by
Dictionary of braille music signsDavid
How to read braille music: an introductionDavid

Stephen Kuusisto

BookRead by
Planet of the blindBecky


Nitya Lacroix

BookRead by
The complete guide to sexual fulfillmentDavid

Charlotte Lamb

BookRead by
Angry desireDavid
The bride said noDavid
Circle of fateDavid
Dark musicDavid
Darkness of the heartDavid
Echo of passionDavid
Hot bloodDavid
Hot surrenderDavid
In the still of the nightDavid
Love in the darkDavid
Man huntDavid
Man's worldDavid
Sleeping partnersDavid
Treasons of the heartDavid
Who's been sleeping in my bedDavid

David Lambourne

BookRead by
How to pass exams: a parent's guideDavid

Lee Lamothe

BookRead by

D H Lawrence

BookRead by
Collected short storiesDavid
The lost girlDavid
Mornings in MexicoDavid
The plumed serpentDavid
The rainbowDavid
The white peacockDavid
Women in loveDavid

Ralph Lazar

Ralph Lazar and Lisa Swerling
BookRead by
Box inspector and other important jobs for catsAmy T

John Le Carre

BookRead by
The constant gardenerDavid
The honourable schoolboyDavid
The little drummer girlDavid
The naive and sentimental loverDavid
A perfect spyDavid
A small town in GermanyDavid
Smiley's peopleDavid
The spy who came in from the coldDavid
Tinker, tailor, soldier, spyDavid

Ursula K Le Guin

BookRead by
A very long way from anywhere elseDavid
The compass roseDavid
The lathe of heavenDavid
Earthsea books
BookRead by
1. A wizard of EarthseaDavid
2. The tombs of AtuanDavid
3. The farthest shoreDavid
4. TehanuDavid

Carol Ann Lee

BookRead by
One of your ownDavid

Gentry Lee

Arthur C Clarke and Gentry Lee
BookRead by
The garden of RamaDavid
Rama IIDavid
Rama revealedDavid

Laurie Lee

BookRead by
As I walked out one midsummer morningDavid
Cider with RosieDavid
I can't stay longDavid
A moment of warDavid

James Lees-Milne

BookRead by
Fourteen friendsBecky

M G Leonard

BookRead by
The ice childrenAmy T

Cecil Lewis

BookRead by
Never look backDavid
Sagittarius risingDavid

C S Lewis

BookRead by
The great divorceDavid
Mere ChristianityDavid
The pilgrims regressDavid
The problem of painDavid
The Screwtape lettersDavid
Surprised by joyDavid
The chronicles of Narnia
BookRead by
1. The lion, the witch, and the wardrobeDavid
2. Prince CaspianDavid
3. The voyage of the Dawn TreaderDavid
4. The silver chairDavid
5. The horse and his boyDavid
6. The magician's nephewDavid
7. The last battleDavid
Space trilogy
BookRead by
1. Out of the silent planetDavid
2. Perelandra: a novelDavid
3. That hideous strengthDavid

Philip Lieberman

BookRead by
Eve spokeDavid

Martin Lindstrom

BookRead by

Mikaela Loach

BookRead by
It's not that radicalShaun

David Lodge

BookRead by
How far can you go?David
Nice workDavid
Out of the shelterDavid
Paradise newsDavid
Small worldDavid

Hugh Lofting

BookRead by
The story of Doctor DolittleAmy T
The voyages of Doctor DolittleAmy T

Patrick J Lynch

Patrick J Lynch and Sarah Horton
BookRead by
Web style guide (fourth edition)David


Ellen MacArthur

BookRead by
Taking on the worldBecky

Niccolo Machiavelli

BookRead by
The discourses (edited with an introduction by Bernard Crick using the translation of Leslie J Walker with revisions by Brian Richardson)David

Richard Madeley

Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan
BookRead by
Richard and Judy: the autobiographyBecky

Michael Mandelstam

BookRead by
Community care practice and the lawDavid

Olivia Manning

BookRead by
The doves of VenusDavid
The play roomDavid
The rain forestDavid
Fortunes of war series
Balkan trilogy
BookRead by
1. The great fortuneDavid
2. The spoilt cityDavid
3. Friends and heroesDavid
Levant trilogy
BookRead by
1. The danger treeDavid
2. The battle lost and wonDavid
3. The sum of thingsDavid

Sue Marshall

BookRead by
Diabetes: the essential guideDavid

Floyd Matson

BookRead by
Walking alone and marching together: a history of the organized blind movement in the United States from 1940 to 1990David

Andrew Matthews

BookRead by
Being happyDavid

Geraldine McCaughrean

BookRead by
Peter Pan in scarletDavid

Frank McCourt

BookRead by
Angela's ashesDavid
'Tis: a memoirDavid

David McCullough

BookRead by
1776: America and Britain at warDavid

Sinclair McKay

BookRead by
The secret life of Bletchley ParkDavid

James McKenna

James McKenna, Jeannine Glista, and Matt Fontaine
BookRead by
How to turn $100 into $1,000,000Emma

Paul McKenna

Paul McKenna and Hugh Willbourn
BookRead by
How to mend your broken heartDavid

Linda McQuaig

BookRead by
All you can eatDavid

Mike McQuay

Arthur C Clarke and Mike McQuay
BookRead by
Richter 10David

Herman Melville

BookRead by
Moby DickDavid

Jon Mendez

BookRead by
RYA Start powerboating (G48/06)David

A Roger Merrill

Stephen R Covey, A Roger Merrill, and Rebecca R Merrill
BookRead by
First things firstDavid

Rebecca R Merrill

Stephen R Covey, A Roger Merrill, and Rebecca R Merrill
BookRead by
First things firstDavid

Stephenie Meyer

Twilight series
BookRead by
1. TwilightDavid
2. New moonDavid
3. EclipseDavid
4. Breaking dawnDavid

Fiola Miles

BookRead by
Overcoming osteoporosis: bone loss treatmentBecky

Spike Milligan

BookRead by
It ends with magic: a Milligan family historyDavid
Puckoon (abridged)David
War memoirs
BookRead by
1. Adolf Hitler: my part in his downfallDavid
2. "Rommel?" "Gunner who?"David
3. Monty: his part in my victoryDavid
4. Mussolini: his part in my downfallDavid
5. Where have all the bullets gone?David

Leonard Mlodinow

Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
BookRead by
A briefer history of timeDavid

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne of Green Gables series
BookRead by
2. Anne of AvonleaDavid
3. Anne of the islandDavid
4. Anne of Windy PoplarsDavid
5. Anne's house of dreamsDavid

Ian Moore

Follet Valley mystery series
BookRead by
1. Death and croissantsBecky
2. Death and fromageBecky
Death and Papa NoëlBecky
3. Death at the chateauBecky
4. Death in le jardinBecky

Katherine Moore

Joyce Grenfell and Katherine Moore
BookRead by
An invisible friendshipDavid

Alberto Moravia

BookRead by
Erotic talesDavid
Journey to RomeDavid
Two womenDavid

Helga Moray

BookRead by
That womanDavid

Elaine Morgan

BookRead by
The aquatic apeDavid

Michael Morpurgo

BookRead by
Cool!Amy T

Desmond Morris

BookRead by

John Mortimer

BookRead by
Character partsDavid
Clinging to the wreckageDavid
In characterDavid
Paradise postponedDavid
Rumpole a la carteDavid
Rumpole and the golden threadDavid
Rumpole of the BaileyDavid
Rumpole on trialDavid
The sound of trumpetsDavid
The summer of a dormouseDavid
Summer's leaseDavid
Titmuss regainedDavid
Under the hammerDavid
Where there's a willDavid

Adam Morton

BookRead by
A guide through the theory of knowledgeDavid

Andrew Morton

BookRead by
Monica's storyDavid

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

BookRead by
Mozart's letters, Mozart's life: selected letters (edited and newly translated by Robert Spaethling)David

Alice Munro

BookRead by
The love of a good womanBecky
Selected storiesBecky

Jill Murphy

BookRead by
The last noo-nooDavid
Whatever next!David
The Large family series
BookRead by
1. Five minute's peaceDavid
2. All in one pieceDavid
3. A piece of cakeDavid
4. A quiet night inDavid


Vladimir Nabokov

BookRead by
The eyeDavid
Lectures on Russian literatureDavid

Joanna Nadin

BookRead by
The worst class in the worldEmma

John Naish

BookRead by

E Nesbit

BookRead by
The enchanted castleDavid
The magic worldDavid
The railway childrenDavid
Psammead series
BookRead by
2. The phoenix and the carpetDavid

Willow Night

BookRead by
The mystery of the toxic playgroundEmma

Anais Nin

BookRead by
Delta of VenusDavid
Little birdsDavid

David Nobbs

BookRead by
Sex and other changesDavid

Mary Norton

Bed-knobs and broomsticks
BookRead by
1. The magic bed knobBecky
2. Bonfires and broomsticksBecky
The borrowers series
BookRead by
1. The borrowersBecky
2. The borrowers afieldBecky
5. The borrowers avengedBecky


Patrick O'Brian

BookRead by
Collected short storiesDavid
The unknown shoreDavid
The Aubrey and Maturin series
BookRead by
1. Master and commanderDavid
2. Post captainDavid
3. HMS SurpriseDavid
4. The Mauritius commandDavid
5. Desolation IslandDavid
6. The fortune of warDavid
7. The surgeon's mateDavid
8. The Ionian missionDavid
9. Treason's harbourDavid
10. The far side of the worldDavid
11. The reverse of the medalDavid
12. The letter of marqueDavid
13. The thirteen-gun saluteDavid
14. The nutmeg of consolationDavid
15. Clarissa OakesDavid
16. The wine-dark seaDavid
17. The commodoreDavid
18. The yellow admiralDavid
19. The Hundred DaysDavid
20. Blue at the mizzenDavid

Redmond O'Hanlon

BookRead by
Into the heart of BorneoDavid
In trouble againDavid

John O'Hara

BookRead by
Appointment in SamarraDavid

Ann Oakley

BookRead by
Sex, gender, and societyDavid

Adam Ockelford

BookRead by
Music notation for people with a severe visual impairment: a discussion documentDavid

Matthew Oldham

Eddie Reynolds, Matthew Oldham, and Lara Bryan
BookRead by
Money for beginners (Usborne)Emma

George Orwell

BookRead by
A clergyman's daughterDavid
Coming up for airDavid
Down and out in Paris and LondonDavid
Keep the aspidistra flyingDavid
The road to Wigan pierDavid

Charles Osborne

BookRead by
W H AudenDavid
The complete operas of Mozart: a critical guideDavid
The complete operas of Wagner: a critical guideDavid
How to enjoy operaDavid
The life and crimes of Agatha ChristieDavid

Richard Osman

Thursday murder club series
BookRead by
1. The Thursday murder clubBecky
2. The man who died twiceBecky
3. The bullet that missedBecky
4. The last devil to dieBecky
We solve murders series
BookRead by
1. We solve murdersBecky


J I Packer

BookRead by
Knowing GodDavid

Stephen Palmer

Berni Curwen, Stephen Palmer, and Peter Ruddell
BookRead by
Brief cognitive behaviour therapyDavid

Anna Pasternak

BookRead by
Princess in loveBecky

Alan Paton

BookRead by
Ah, but your land is beautifulDavid
Cry, the beloved countryDavid
Kontakion for you departedDavid
Too late the phalaropeDavid
Towards the mountainDavid

Jill Patton Walsh

Jill Patton Walsh and Dorothy L Sayers
BookRead by
A presumption of deathDavid

Philippa Pearce

BookRead by
Tom's midnight gardenAmy T

Nic Peeling

BookRead by
Brilliant retirementDavid

Danny Penman

Mark Williams and Danny Penman
BookRead by

Samuel Pepys

BookRead by

Robert Peston

BookRead by
Who runs BritainDavid

Gervase Phinn

BookRead by
It takes one to know oneBecky

Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall

BookRead by
The meaning of the glorious QuranDavid

John Piper

BookRead by
This momentary marriageDavid

Marco Polo

BookRead by
The travels (translated by Ronald E Latham)David

Eleanor H Porter

BookRead by
PollyannaAmy T

Beatrix Potter

BookRead by
The journal of Beatrix Potter from 1881 to 1897David

Sibéal Pounder

BookRead by
WonkaAmy T

Anthony Powell

BookRead by
Afternoon menDavid
O, how the wheel becomes it!David
A dance to the music of time
BookRead by
1. A question of upbringingDavid
2. A buyer's marketDavid
3. The acceptance worldDavid
4. At Lady Molly'sDavid
5. Casanova's Chinese restaurantDavid
6. The kindly onesDavid
7. The valley of bonesDavid
8. The soldier's artDavid
9. The military philosophersDavid
10. Books do furnish a roomDavid
11. Temporary kingsDavid

Terry Pratchett

BookRead by
The carpet peopleDavid
The dark Side of the sunDavid
Discworld series
BookRead by
1. The colour of magicDavid
2. The light fantasticDavid
3. Equal ritesDavid
4. MortDavid
5. SourceryDavid
6. Wyrd sistersDavid
7. PyramidsDavid
8. Guards! Guards!David
9. EricDavid
10. Moving picturesDavid
11. Reaper manDavid
12. Witches abroadDavid
13. Small godsDavid
14. Lords and ladiesDavid
15. Men at armsDavid
16. Soul musicDavid
17. Interesting timesDavid
18. MaskeradeDavid
19. Feet of clayDavid
20. HogfatherDavid
22. The last continentDavid
25. The truthDavid
26. Thief of timeDavid
27. The last hero: a Discworld fableDavid
28. The amazing Maurice and his educated rodentsDavid
29. Night watchDavid
30. The wee free menDavid
31. Monstrous regimentDavid
33. Going postalDavid
34. Thud!David
Johnny Maxwell trilogy
BookRead by
2. Johnny and the deadDavid
3. Johnny and the bombDavid
Nome trilogy
BookRead by
1. TruckersDavid
2. DiggersDavid
3. WingsDavid

Andrew Prentice

Lara Bryan and Andrew Prentice
BookRead by
Economics for beginners (Usborne)Emma

Katie Price

BookRead by
1. Being JordanBecky
2. A whole new worldBecky

Daniel Priestley

BookRead by
Become a key person of influenceDavid

Marcel Proust

Remembrance of things past
BookRead by
Within a budding groveDavid
The cities of the plainDavid
The captiveDavid
The sweet cheat goneDavid
Time regainedDavid

Alf Proysen

BookRead by
Mrs Pepperpot's first omnibusDavid
Stories for ChristmasDavid


Paula Radcliffe

BookRead by
Paula: my story so farBecky

Nerina Ramlakhan

BookRead by
Tired but wiredDavid

Arthur Ransome

BookRead by
The autobiography of Arthur RansomeDavid
Swallows and Amazons series
BookRead by
3. Peter DuckDavid
4. Winter holidayDavid
5. Coot clubDavid
6. Pigeon postDavid
7. We didn't mean to go to seaDavid
8. Secret waterDavid
9. The big sixDavid
10. Missee LeeDavid
11. The Picts and the martyrsDavid
12. Great northern?David

Onjali Q Raúf

BookRead by
The boy at the back of the classEmma

Randal Rauser

BookRead by
Finding God in "The shack"David

Eric Steven Raymond

BookRead by
The art of Unix programmingDavid

Eddie Reynolds

Eddie Reynolds, Matthew Oldham, and Lara Bryan
BookRead by
Money for beginners (Usborne)Emma

Morton Rhue

BookRead by
The waveDavid

Emma Richards

BookRead by
Around aloneDavid

Frank Richards

BookRead by
Billy Bunter comes for ChristmasDavid
Billy Bunter of Greyfriars SchoolDavid
Billy Bunter's bodyguardDavid
Billy Bunter's doubleDavid
Bunter does his bestDavid

Samuel Richardson

BookRead by
Postscript to ClarissaDavid

David Richo

BookRead by
How to be an adult in relationshipsDavid

Anne Rice

The vampire chronicles
BookRead by
1. Interview with the vampireDavid
2. The vampire LestatDavid

Shane Richie

BookRead by
Rags to Richie: the story so farBecky

Andrew Ridgeley

BookRead by
Wham! George and meBecky

Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson and the Olympians series
BookRead by
1. The lightning thiefEmma

Geoffrey Rivlin

BookRead by
Understanding the lawDavid

Anthony Robbins

BookRead by
Awaken the giant withinDavid

Alice Roberts

BookRead by
Don't die young: an anatomist's guide to your organs and your healthDavid

Tony Robinson

BookRead by
The worst children's jobs in historyDavid

L W Rodenberg

BookRead by
Key to Grade Three BrailleDavid

J K Rowling

Other Harry Potter books
BookRead by
Christmas at HogwartsAmy T
The tales of Beedle the BardAmy T

Alan L Rubin

BookRead by
Diabetes for dummies (fifth edition)Becky

Peter Ruddell

Berni Curwen, Stephen Palmer, and Peter Ruddell
BookRead by
Brief cognitive behaviour therapyDavid

Helen Rutter

BookRead by
The boy who made everyone laughAmy T


Oliver Sacks

BookRead by
The island of the colour-blind and cycad islandDavid

Sharon Sala

BookRead by
Sweet babyBecky

Ken Sande

Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson
BookRead by
Resolving everyday conflictDavid

Dorothy L Sayers

BookRead by
Busman's honeymoonDavid
Clouds of witnessDavid
Documents in the caseDavid
The five red herringsDavid
Hangman's holidayDavid
Have his carcaseDavid
Lord Peter views the bodyDavid
Murder must advertiseDavid
Strong poisonDavid
Jill Patton Walsh and Dorothy L Sayers
BookRead by
A presumption of deathDavid

Dave Schofield

BookRead by
Diabetes: how to beat it!Becky

Samantha Schwartz

BookRead by
Chickpea cookbookAmy T

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf

BookRead by
On and off the record: a memoir of Walter LeggeDavid

Mary Scott

BookRead by
Osteoporosis: how to strengthen your bones and lower your risk of fracturesBecky

Walter Scott

BookRead by
The bride of LammermoorDavid
The life of Napoleon BonaparteDavid
Old MortalityDavid
Quentin DurwardDavid
Rob RoyDavid
Tales of a grandfather (abridged)David

Jason Scotts

BookRead by

Harry Secombe

BookRead by
Twice brightlyDavid
Welsh Fargo (abridged by the BBC)David

David Seltzer

BookRead by
The omenMalcolm

Vikram Seth

BookRead by
An equal musicDavid
A suitable boyDavid

Anna Sewell

BookRead by
Black BeautyAmy T

Tom Sharpe

BookRead by
Ancestral vicesDavid
Blott on the landscapeDavid
The great pursuitDavid
The middenDavid
The throwbackDavid
Vintage stuffDavid
South Africa series
BookRead by
1. Riotous assemblyDavid
2. Indecent exposureDavid
Porterhouse blue series
BookRead by
1. Porterhouse blueDavid
2. Grantchester grindDavid
Wilt series
BookRead by
1. WiltDavid
2. The Wilt alternativeDavid
3. Wilt on highDavid
4. Wilt in nowhereDavid

George Bernard Shaw

BookRead by
Pygmalion: a romance in five actsDavid

Mary Shelley

BookRead by

Carol Shields

BookRead by
Jane AustenBecky

Bernard Shore

BookRead by
The orchestra speaksDavid

Dmitri Shostakovich

BookRead by
Story of a friendship: the letters of Dmitry Shostakovich to Isaak Glikman from 1941 to 1975 with a commentary by Isaak Glikman (translated by Anthony Phillips)David

Neil Shubin

BookRead by
Your inner fishDavid

Abdur Siddiqui

BookRead by
100 minutes with the Qur'anDavid

Jo Simmons

BookRead by
I lost my granny in the supermarketEmma
My parents cancelled my birthdayEmma

Steve Sleight

BookRead by
RYA Start sailing (beginner's handbook) (G3/02)David

Ninian Smart

BookRead by
The religious experience of mankindDavid

Gleb A Smirnov

BookRead by
Manual of braille music notation (translated by O L Maslova)David

James Bryan Smith

BookRead by
The good and beautiful GodDavid

Sean Smith

BookRead by
Ed SherranBecky

Wilbur Smith

BookRead by
Cry wolfDavid
The dark of the sunDavid
The diamond huntersDavid
Eagle in the skyDavid
Elephant songDavid
The eye of the tigerDavid
Gold mineDavid
Hungry as the seaDavid
Shout at the devilDavid
The sunbirdDavid
Those in perilDavid
Wild justiceDavid
The Ballantyne series
BookRead by
1. A falcon fliesDavid
2. Men of menDavid
3. The angels weepDavid
4. The leopard hunts in darknessDavid
The Courtney series
BookRead by
1. When the lion feedsDavid
2. Sound of thunderDavid
3. A sparrow fallsDavid
4. The burning shoreDavid
5. Power of the swordDavid
6. RageDavid
7. A time to dieDavid
8. Golden foxDavid
9. Birds of preyDavid
10. MonsoonDavid
11. Blue horizonDavid
12. The triumph of the sunDavid
13. AssegaiDavid
The Egyptian series
BookRead by
1. River godDavid
2. The seventh scrollDavid
3. WarlockDavid
4. The questDavid

Andrew Smithers

Stephen Wright and Andrew Smithers
BookRead by
Valuing Wall StreetDavid

Lee Smolin

BookRead by
The trouble with physicsDavid

John Steinbeck

BookRead by
The grapes of wrathDavid
Of mice and menDavid

Robert Louis Stevenson

BookRead by
The black arrowDavid
The master of BallantraeDavid
The misadventures of John NicholsonDavid
Mutiny on the Bounty (dramatization)David
Saint IvesDavid
Selected short storiesDavid
Short stories (volumes 1 and 2)David
The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (dramatization)David
Travels with a donkey in the CevennesDavid
Treasure IslandDavid

Steve the noob

Diary of Steve the noob
BookRead by
1. Diary of Steve the noob 1Emma

Chris Stewart

BookRead by
A parrot in the pepper treeBecky

Miriam Stoppard

BookRead by
Conception, pregnancy, and birthBecky

Bram Stoker

BookRead by
Dracula's guestDavid
Midnight talesDavid

John R W Stott

BookRead by
Basic ChristianityDavid

William Strunk

BookRead by
The elements of styleDavid


BookRead by
That closeBecky

David Suzuki

David Suzuki and Holly Dressel
BookRead by
Good news for a change: hope for a troubled planetDavid

Jean Swanson

BookRead by
Poor-bashing: the politics of exclusionDavid

Lisa Swerling

Ralph Lazar and Lisa Swerling
BookRead by
Box inspector and other important jobs for catsAmy T

Jonathan Swift

BookRead by
Gulliver's travelsDavid


Nassim N Taleb

BookRead by
The black swanDavid

Richard Taesch

BookRead by
An introduction to music for the blind student: a course in braille music readingDavid

Emma Tennant

BookRead by
Thornfield HallDavid

Barbara Thiering

BookRead by
Jesus the man: new interpretation from the Dead Sea scrollsDavid

Gary Thomas

BookRead by
Sacred marriageDavid

Greta Thunberg

BookRead by
The climate bookShaun
No one is too small to make a differenceShaun

Sandi Toksvig

BookRead by
Between the stops: the view of my life from the top of the number 12 busBecky

J R R Tolkien

BookRead by
The children of HurinDavid

Leo Tolstoy

BookRead by
Anna KareninaDavid
War and peaceDavid

Sue Townsend

BookRead by
Number 10David
The queen and IDavid
Queen CamillaDavid
Rebuilding CoventryBecky

Brian Tracy

BookRead by
Eat that frogDavid

James Traeger

James Traeger, Jenny Daisley, and Liz Willis
BookRead by
Navigator: men's development workbookDavid

Maria von Trapp

BookRead by
The sound of musicDavid

P L Travers

Mary Poppins series
BookRead by
1. Mary PoppinsBecky
2. Mary Poppins comes backBecky
3. Mary Poppins opens the doorBecky
4. Mary Poppins in the parkBecky
7. Mary Poppins in Cherry Tree LaneBecky

Lynne Truss

BookRead by
Eats, shoots and leavesDavid
Talk to the handDavid

Sue Tumelty

BookRead by
CV and interview handbookDavid

Mark Twain

BookRead by
The adventures of Huckleberry FinnDavid
The adventures of Tom SawyerDavid
A Connecticut yankee in King Arthur's courtDavid
The prince and the pauperDavid
A tramp abroadDavid


Vladimir Volkoff

BookRead by
The turnaround (abridged by the BBC)David

François Marie Arouet de Voltaire

BookRead by


Lou Wakefield

BookRead by
Hot to trotBecky
Tuscan soupBecky

Elisabeth Walker

BookRead by
Forward and awayDavid

Gabrielle Walker

Gabrielle Walker and David King
BookRead by
The hot topic: how to tackle global warming and still keep the lights onDavid

Geoffrey Wall

BookRead by
Flaubert: a lifeDavid

Irving Wallace

BookRead by
The guest of honourDavid

David Walliams

BookRead by
The beast of Buckingham PalaceAmy T
Gangsta granny strikes againEmma
Super sleuthAmy T
The world's worst petsAmy T

Ariel Warren

BookRead by
Type 1 diabetes for the newly diagnosedBecky

Jonathan Waterman

BookRead by
Arctic crossingDavid

Edward Watson

BookRead by
A guide to braille music notation (second edition, edited and updated by John Busbridge)David

S J Watson

BookRead by
Before I go to sleepDavid

Evelyn Waugh

BookRead by
Decline and fallDavid

Sara Webb

BookRead by
The little book of cosmic catastrophes (that could end the world)Amy T

Fay Weldon

BookRead by
The cloning of Joanna MayDavid
Darcy's utopiaDavid
Down among the womenDavid
The fat woman's jokeDavid
Female friendsDavid
Growing richDavid
A hard time to be a fatherDavid
The hearts and lives of menDavid
Leader of the bandDavid
The life and loves of a she-devilDavid
Life forceDavid
Moon over Minneapolis (or "Why she couldn't stay")David
The president's childDavid
Rebecca WestDavid
Remember meDavid
The rules of lifeDavid
The shrapnel academyDavid
Watching me, watching youDavid
Worst fearsDavid

H G Wells

BookRead by
Ann VeronicaDavid
Complete short storiesDavid
Ghost stories (abridged by the BBC)David
The history of Mr PollyDavid
The invisible manDavid
Mr Britling sees it throughDavid
The time machineDavid
The war of the worldsDavid

Kevin Wells

BookRead by
Goodbye, dearest HollyBecky

Irvine Welsh

BookRead by

Rebecca West

BookRead by
The birds fall downDavid
The return of the soldierDavid
Aubrey trilogy
BookRead by
1. The fountain overflowsDavid
2. This real nightDavid
3. Cousin RosamundDavid

Peter White

BookRead by
See it my wayDavid

Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin

BookRead by
New chronicles of RebeccaDavid
Rebecca of Sunnybrook FarmDavid

Oscar Wilde

BookRead by
Fairy talesDavid
The happy princeBecky
Lady Windermere's fanDavid
The picture of Dorian GrayDavid

Dallas Willard

BookRead by
Hearing GodDavid

Hugh Willbourn

Paul McKenna and Hugh Willbourn
BookRead by
How to mend your broken heartDavid

Mark Williams

Mark Williams and Danny Penman
BookRead by

Sam Williams

BookRead by
Free as in freedom: Richard Stallman's crusade for free softwareDavid

Liz Willis

James Traeger, Jenny Daisley, and Liz Willis
BookRead by
Navigator: men's development workbookDavid

Jacqueline Wilson

BookRead by
Lilly aloneEmma

Jared C Wilson

Matt Chandler with Jared C Wilson
BookRead by
The explicit gospelDavid

Barbara Windsor

Barbara Windsor and Joan Flory
BookRead by
Barbara: the laughter and tears of a cockney sparrowDavid

P G Wodehouse

BookRead by
The adventures of SallyDavid
Aunts aren't gentlemenDavid
Bachelors anonymousDavid
Carry on, JeevesDavid
Do butlers burgle banks?David
The Drones omnibusDavid
A few quick onesDavid
French leaveDavid
Frozen assetsDavid
Full moonDavid
A gentleman of leisureDavid
The girl in blueDavid
The golf omnibusDavid
Heavy weatherDavid
Jeeves and the feudal spirit (BBC radio dramatization)David
Joy in the morningDavid
Lord Emsworth acts for the bestDavid
The luck of the BodkinsDavid
The man with two left feetDavid
The mating seasonDavid
Much obliged, JeevesDavid
Nothing seriousDavid
The old reliableDavid
Pearls, girls, and Monty BodkinDavid
A pelican at BlandingsDavid
Right ho, JeevesDavid
Ring for JeevesDavid
Something freshDavid
Stiff upper lip, JeevesDavid
Summer lightningDavid
Summer moonshineDavid
Sunset at BlandingsDavid
Very good, JeevesDavid
The world of Mr MullinerDavid
The world of PsmithDavid
Yours Plum: letters of P G WodehouseDavid

Elvira Woodruff

BookRead by
The Christmas dollAmy T

Camron Wright

BookRead by
Christmas by accidentAmy T

Stephen Wright

Stephen Wright and Andrew Smithers
BookRead by
Valuing Wall StreetDavid

John Wyndham

BookRead by
The day of the triffidsDavid
The kraken wakesDavid
The Midwich cuckoosDavid


Colin Yallop

John Clark and Colin Yallop
BookRead by
An introduction to phonetics and phonologyDavid

Philip Yancey

BookRead by
The Bible Jesus read (abridged)David
What's so amazing about graceDavid

William P Young

BookRead by
The shackDavid


Adam Zamoyski

BookRead by
Warsaw 1920David
