Books read by David listed by author
1473 books
National Federation of the Blind
Kernel books
- What color is the sun
- The freedom bell
- As the twig is bent
- Making hay
- The journey
- Standing on one foot
- When the blizzard blows
- Toothpaste and railroad tracks
- Tapping the charcoal
- Old dogs and new tricks
- Beginnings and blueprints
- Like cats and dogs
- Wall-to-wall thanksgiving
- Gray pancakes and gold horses
- To touch the untouchable dream
- Remember to feed the kittens
- Reflecting the flame
- Oh, wow!
- I can feel blue on Monday
- Reaching for the top in the land down under
- Safari
- Summit
- Not much of a muchness
- The car, the sled, and the butch wax
- To reach for the stars
- The lessons of the earth
- Imagine
- Celebrate
- Beyond the funny tree
- Freedom
Alphabetical list of authors
Peter Ackroyd
John Adair
Douglas Adams
Dirk Gently's holistic detective agency
- Dirk Gently's holistic detective agency
- The long dark tea-time of the soul
The hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy
- The hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy
- The restaurant at the end of the universe
- Life, the universe, and everything
- So long, and thanks for all the fish
- Mostly harmless
Faith Addis
Pedro de Alcantara
F Matthias Alexander
Mosaraf Ali
Kingsley Amis
Martin Amis
Hans Christian Anderson
Kenneth R Andrews
Jay Anson
Colin Aston
David Attenborough
Margaret Atwood
Jane Austen
Wilbert Awdry
Railway series
- The three railway engines
- Thomas the tank engine
- Tank engine Thomas again
- Toby the tram engine
- Duck and the diesel engine
- The little old engine
- Stepney the Bluebell engine
- Oliver the Western engine
Vanessa Bailey
Beryl Bainbridge
Sandy Balfour
Honore de Balzac
Karen Barker
Kim Jones and Karen Barker
J M Barrie
Jonathan Bartlett
Brandon Bays
Sharon Begley
Arnold Bennett
Tara Bennett-Goleman
Rosalie Bertell
John Betjeman
Elisabeth Beresford
Stacy Bias
Rachel Bussel and Stacy Bias
Thomas Bickford
Christopher Bigsby
Jack Black
Algernon Blackwood
William Blake
Mark Blaug
William Blum
Michael Bond
Paddington Bear series
- A bear called Paddington
- More about Paddington
- Paddington helps out
- Paddington abroad
- Paddington at large
- Paddington takes the air
- Paddington on top
- Paddington takes the test
Monsieur Pamplemousse series
- Monsieur Pamplemousse
- Monsieur Pamplemousse and the secret mission
- Monsieur Pamplemousse on the spot
- Monsieur Pamplemousse takes the cure
- Monsieur Pamplemousse aloft
- Monsieur Pamplemousse investigates
Karine Bohme
Karine Bohme with Frances Budden
Adrian Boult
Richard Branson
David Bray
Michael Brett
Jim Bright
Sarah Brown
Silas Brown
Lothar-Günther Buchheim
Frances Budden
Karine Bohme with Frances Budden
Julian Budden
Rachel Bussel
Rachel Bussel and Stacy Bias
Betsy Byars
Golly sisters series
Diana Cage
Warwick Cairns
Allen Carr
Lewis Carroll
Angela Carter
Kevin Cashman
Miguel de Cervantes
Matt Chandler
Matt Chandler with Jared C Wilson
Anton Chekhov
Agatha Christie
John Clark
John Clark and Colin Yallop
Arthur C Clarke
Arthur C Clarke and M Kube-McDowell
Arthur C Clarke and Gentry Lee
Arthur C Clarke and Mike McQuay
Jon Cleary
Scobie Malone books
- Ransom
- Pride's harvest
- Dark summer
- Bleak spring
- Winter chill
- Endpeace
- The easy sin
John Cleland
David Colbert
Vernon Coleman
Jackie Collins
Wilkie Collins
Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins
Barbara Comyns
Richard Condon
Pat Conway
Susan Coolidge
- What Katy did
- What Katy did at school
- What Katy did next
Jilly Cooper
The Rutshire chronicles
- Riders
- Rivals
- Polo
- The man who made husbands jealous
- Appassionata
- Score!
- Pandora
- Wicked!
- Jump!
Barbara Cousins
Stephen R Covey
Stephen R Covey, A Roger Merrill, and Rebecca R Merrill
Suzanne Cunningham
Donald Currie
Berni Curwen
Berni Curwen, Stephen Palmer, and Peter Ruddell
Jenny Daisley
James Traeger, Jenny Daisley, and Liz Willis
Dalai Lama
Charles Darwin
Richard Dawkins
Daniel Defoe
Len Deighton
Bernard Samson books
Geoffrey Ernest Maurice de Sainte Croix
Kevin DeYoung
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins
Stephen Donaldson
The chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the unbeliever
- Lord Foul's bane
- The Illearth war
- The power that preserves
The second chronicles of Thomas Covenant
- The wounded land
- The One Tree
- White gold wielder
The gap cycle
- The gap into conflict: the real story
- The gap into vision: forbidden knowledge
- The gap into power: a dark and hungry god arises
- The gap into madness: chaos and order
- The gap into ruin: this day all gods die
Lyle Dorsett
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Arthur Conan Doyle
Holly Dressel
David Suzuki and Holly Dressel
Grace Driscoll
Mark and Grace Driscoll
Mark Driscoll
Mark and Grace Driscoll
Ruth Dudley Edwards
Alexandre Dumas
Daphne du Maurier
Gerald Durrell
Corfu trilogy
- My family and other animals
- Birds, beasts, and relatives
- The garden of the gods
Charles Le Gai Eaton
Dorothy Edwards
T S Eliot
Ben Elton
F A Emery
Friedrich Engels
George Erickson
Richard J Evans
Michael W Eysenck
Michael W Eysenck and Cara Flanagan
Angela Fagan
John Farrand
Jeff Feldhahn
Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn
Shaunti Feldhahn
Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn
Niall Ferguson
Paul Feyerabend
F Scott Fitzgerald
Cara Flanagan
Michael W Eysenck and Cara Flanagan
Gustave Flaubert
Ian Fleming
James Bond books
- Casino Royale
- Live and let die
- Moonraker
- Diamonds are forever
- From Russia with love
- Dr No
- Goldfinger
- For your eyes only (includes "From a view to a kill", "For your eyes only", "Quantum of solace", "Risico", and "The Hildebrand rarity")
- Thunderball
- On her majesty's secret service
- You only live twice
- The man with the golden gun
- Octopussy (includes "Octopussy", "The living daylights", and "The property of a lady")
Joan Flory
Barbara Windsor and Joan Flory
Joanne Fluke
Hannah Swensen series
Frederick Forsyth
Antonia Fraser
Nancy Friday
Benjamin Fry
Jay Hunt and Benjamin Fry
Timothy Gallwey
Barry Green with Timothy Gallwey
Alex Garland
Adèle Geras
Rumer Godden
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Ben Goldacre
William Golding
Ari L Goldman
Terry Gourvish
Robert Graves
Barry Green
Barry Green with Timothy Gallwey
Graham Greene
Germaine Greer
Richard L Gregory
Joyce Grenfell
Joyce Grenfell and Katherine Moore
John Gribbin
George Grossmith
George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith
Weedon Grossmith
George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith
Nina Grunfeld
Mark Haddon
Richard Hadyn
Ida Haendel
John R Hale
Alex Haley
Virginia Hamilton
Helene Hanff
Thomas Hardy
Tim Harford
Samantha Harrington-Lowe
Robert Harris
Rolf Harris
L P Hartley
Eustace and Hilda trilogy
- The shrimp and the anemone
- The sixth heaven
- Eustace and Hilda
Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
Tim Healy
Christopher Headington
Nicolette Heaton-Harris
Ernest Hemingway
John Henry
James Herriot
Susan Hill
Sheila Hocken
Christopher Hogwood
Tom Holland
Anne Holm
Sarah Horton
Patrick J Lynch and Sarah Horton
Khaled Hosseini
Ted Hughes
Thomas Hughes
Victor Hugo
Jay Hunt
Jay Hunt and Benjamin Fry
Aldous Huxley
Henry James
Lawrence James
M R James
Robin Jarvis
Deptford mice trilogy
- The crystal prison
Violet Jessop
Lisa Jewell
Jo Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson
Kim Jones
Kim Jones and Karen Barker
Robert Jordan
The Conan chronicles
- Conan the invincible
- Conan the defender
- Conan the unconquered
Belle de Jour
James Joyce
Penny Junor
Franz Kafka
Herbert von Karajan
H R F Keating
Inspector Ghote series
- The perfect murder
- Inspector Ghote hunts the Peacock
- Inspector Ghote plays a joker
- Inspector Ghote breaks an egg
- Inspector Ghote goes by train
- Inspector Ghote trusts the heart
- Bats fly up for Inspector Ghote
- Inspector Ghote draws a line
- The murder of the Maharajah
- Go west, Inspector Ghote
- The sheriff of Bombay
- Under a monsoon cloud
- The body in the billiard room
- Dead on time
- The iciest sin
- Cheating death
- Asking questions
- Bribery, corruption also
- Breaking and entering
Kate Keenan
Helen Keller
Judith Kerr
David King
Gabrielle Walker and David King
Dick King-Smith
Dick King-Smith
Dick King-Smith
Sophie series
Nancy Kline
Paul Kriwaczek
Bettye Krolick
Nitya Lacroix
Charlotte Lamb
David Lambourne
Lee Lamothe
D H Lawrence
John Le Carre
Ursula K Le Guin
Earthsea books
- A wizard of Earthsea
- The tombs of Atuan
- The farthest shore
- Tehanu
Carol Ann Lee
Gentry Lee
Arthur C Clarke and Gentry Lee
Laurie Lee
Cecil Lewis
C S Lewis
The chronicles of Narnia
- The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe
- Prince Caspian
- The voyage of the Dawn Treader
- The silver chair
- The horse and his boy
- The magician's nephew
- The last battle
Space trilogy
- Out of the silent planet
- Perelandra: a novel
- That hideous strength
Damien Lewis
Mende Nazer and Damien Lewis
Philip Lieberman
Martin Lindstrom
David Lodge
Patrick J Lynch
Patrick J Lynch and Sarah Horton
Niccolo Machiavelli
Michael Mandelstam
Olivia Manning
Fortunes of war series
Balkan trilogy
- The great fortune
- The spoilt city
- Friends and heroes
Levant trilogy
- The danger tree
- The battle lost and won
- The sum of things
Sue Marshall
Floyd Matson
Andrew Matthews
Geraldine McCaughrean
Frank McCourt
David McCullough
Sinclair McKay
Paul McKenna
Paul McKenna and Hugh Willbourn
Linda McQuaig
Mike McQuay
Arthur C Clarke and Mike McQuay
Herman Melville
Jon Mendez
A Roger Merrill
Stephen R Covey, A Roger Merrill, and Rebecca R Merrill
Rebecca R Merrill
Stephen R Covey, A Roger Merrill, and Rebecca R Merrill
Stephenie Meyer
Twilight series
- Twilight
- New moon
- Eclipse
- Breaking dawn
Spike Milligan
War memoirs
- Adolf Hitler: my part in his downfall
- "Rommel?" "Gunner who?"
- Monty: his part in my victory
- Mussolini: his part in my downfall
- Where have all the bullets gone?
A A Milne
Leonard Mlodinow
Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables series
- Anne of Green Gables
- Anne of Avonlea
- Anne of the island
- Anne of Windy Poplars
- Anne's house of dreams
Katherine Moore
Joyce Grenfell and Katherine Moore
Alberto Moravia
Helga Moray
Elaine Morgan
Desmond Morris
John Mortimer
Adam Morton
Andrew Morton
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Jill Murphy
The Large family series
- Five minute's peace
- All in one piece
- A piece of cake
- A quiet night in
The worst witch series
- The worst witch
- A bad spell for the worst witch
Vladimir Nabokov
John Naish
Mende Nazer
Mende Nazer and Damien Lewis
E Nesbit
Psammead series
- Five children and it
- The phoenix and the carpet
Anais Nin
David Nobbs
Patrick O'Brian
The Aubrey and Maturin series
- Master and commander
- Post captain
- HMS Surprise
- The Mauritius command
- Desolation Island
- The fortune of war
- The surgeon's mate
- The Ionian mission
- Treason's harbour
- The far side of the world
- The reverse of the medal
- The letter of marque
- The thirteen-gun salute
- The nutmeg of consolation
- Clarissa Oakes
- The wine-dark sea
- The commodore
- The yellow admiral
- The Hundred Days
- Blue at the mizzen
Redmond O'Hanlon
John O'Hara
Ann Oakley
Adam Ockelford
George Orwell
Charles Osborne
J I Packer
Stephen Palmer
Berni Curwen, Stephen Palmer, and Peter Ruddell
Alan Paton
Jill Patton Walsh
Jill Patton Walsh and Dorothy L Sayers
Nic Peeling
Danny Penman
Mark Williams and Danny Penman
Samuel Pepys
Robert Peston
Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall
John Piper
Marco Polo
Beatrix Potter
Anthony Powell
A dance to the music of time
- A question of upbringing
- A buyer's market
- The acceptance world
- At Lady Molly's
- Casanova's Chinese restaurant
- The kindly ones
- The valley of bones
- The soldier's art
- The military philosophers
- Books do furnish a room
- Temporary kings
Terry Pratchett
Discworld series
- The colour of magic
- The light fantastic
- Equal rites
- Mort
- Sourcery
- Wyrd sisters
- Pyramids
- Guards! Guards!
- Eric
- Moving pictures
- Reaper man
- Witches abroad
- Small gods
- Lords and ladies
- Men at arms
- Soul music
- Interesting times
- Maskerade
- Feet of clay
- Hogfather
- The last continent
- The truth
- Thief of time
- The last hero: a Discworld fable
- The amazing Maurice and his educated rodents
- Night watch
- The wee free men
- Monstrous regiment
- Going postal
- Thud!
Johnny Maxwell trilogy
- Johnny and the dead
- Johnny and the bomb
Nome trilogy
- Truckers
- Diggers
- Wings
Daniel Priestley
Marcel Proust
Remembrance of things past
Alf Proysen
Nerina Ramlakhan
Arthur Ransome
Swallows and Amazons series
- Swallows and Amazons
- Swallowdale
- Peter Duck
- Winter holiday
- Coot club
- Pigeon post
- We didn't mean to go to sea
- Secret water
- The big six
- Missee Lee
- The Picts and the martyrs
- Great northern?
Randal Rauser
Eric Steven Raymond
Morton Rhue
Emma Richards
Frank Richards
Samuel Richardson
David Richo
Anne Rice
The vampire chronicles
- Interview with the vampire
- The vampire Lestat
Geoffrey Rivlin
Anthony Robbins
Alice Roberts
Caroline Roberts
Pudding pantry series
Tony Robinson
L W Rodenberg
J K Rowling
Harry Potter series
- Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone
- Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
- Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
- Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
- Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix
- Harry Potter and the half-blood prince
- Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
Peter Ruddell
Berni Curwen, Stephen Palmer, and Peter Ruddell
Oliver Sacks
Ken Sande
Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson
Dorothy L Sayers
Jill Patton Walsh and Dorothy L Sayers
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
Walter Scott
Harry Secombe
Vikram Seth
Tom Sharpe
South Africa series
- Riotous assembly
- Indecent exposure
Porterhouse blue series
- Porterhouse blue
- Grantchester grind
Wilt series
- Wilt
- The Wilt alternative
- Wilt on high
- Wilt in nowhere
George Bernard Shaw
Mary Shelley
Bernard Shore
Dmitri Shostakovich
Neil Shubin
Abdur Siddiqui
Steve Sleight
Ninian Smart
Gleb A Smirnov
James Bryan Smith
Wilbur Smith
The Ballantyne series
- A falcon flies
- Men of men
- The angels weep
- The leopard hunts in darkness
The Courtney series
- When the lion feeds
- Sound of thunder
- A sparrow falls
- The burning shore
- Power of the sword
- Rage
- A time to die
- Golden fox
- Birds of prey
- Monsoon
- Blue horizon
- The triumph of the sun
- Assegai
The Egyptian series
- River god
- The seventh scroll
- Warlock
- The quest
Andrew Smithers
Stephen Wright and Andrew Smithers
Lee Smolin
Johanna Spyri
John Steinbeck
Robert Louis Stevenson
Bram Stoker
Catherine Storr
John R W Stott
William Strunk
David Suzuki
David Suzuki and Holly Dressel
Jean Swanson
Jonathan Swift
Nassim N Taleb
Richard Taesch
Emma Tennant
Barbara Thiering
Gary Thomas
J R R Tolkien
Leo Tolstoy
Sue Townsend
Adrian Mole books
- The secret diary of Adrian Mole aged thirteen and three quarters
- The growing pains of Adrian Mole
- True confessions of Adrian Albert Mole, Margaret Hilda Roberts, and Susan Lilian Townsend
- Adrian Mole: the wilderness years
- Adrian Mole: the cappuccino years
- Adrian Mole and the weapons of mass destruction
- Adrian Mole: the prostrate years
Brian Tracy
James Traeger
James Traeger, Jenny Daisley, and Liz Willis
Maria von Trapp
Lynne Truss
Sue Tumelty
Mark Twain
Vladimir Volkoff
François Marie Arouet de Voltaire
Elisabeth Walker
Gabrielle Walker
Gabrielle Walker and David King
Geoffrey Wall
Irving Wallace
Jonathan Waterman
Edward Watson
S J Watson
Evelyn Waugh
Fay Weldon
H G Wells
Rebecca West
Aubrey trilogy
- The fountain overflows
- This real night
- Cousin Rosamund
Peter White
Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin
Oscar Wilde
Dallas Willard
Hugh Willbourn
Paul McKenna and Hugh Willbourn
Mark Williams
Mark Williams and Danny Penman
Sam Williams
Liz Willis
James Traeger, Jenny Daisley, and Liz Willis
Jared C Wilson
Matt Chandler with Jared C Wilson
Barbara Windsor
Barbara Windsor and Joan Flory
P G Wodehouse
Stephen Wright
Stephen Wright and Andrew Smithers
John Wyndham
Colin Yallop
John Clark and Colin Yallop
Philip Yancey
William P Young
Adam Zamoyski