Books read by Becky and no other participant
68 books
- Airborne for the duration (Eric Barfoot)
- Being Jordan (Katie Price, Autobiographies, book 1)
- Best friend's guide to pregnancy (Vicki Iovine)
- Between the stops: the view of my life from the top of the number 12 bus (Sandi Toksvig)
- Blue-eyed son: the story of an adoption (Nicky Campbell)
- Bonfires and broomsticks (Mary Norton, Bed-knobs and broomsticks, book 2)
- The borrowers (Mary Norton, The borrowers series, book 1)
- The borrowers afield (Mary Norton, The borrowers series, book 2)
- The borrowers avenged (Mary Norton, The borrowers series, book 5)
- The bullet that missed (Richard Osman, Thursday murder club series, book 3)
- Camilla and Charles: the love story (Caroline Graham)
- Conception, pregnancy, and birth (Miriam Stoppard)
- Death and croissants (Ian Moore, Follet Valley mystery series, book 1)
- Death and fromage (Ian Moore, Follet Valley mystery series, book 2)
- Death and Papa Noël (Ian Moore, Follet Valley mystery series, book 2.5)
- Death at the chateau (Ian Moore, Follet Valley mystery series, book 3)
- Death in le jardin (Ian Moore, Follet Valley mystery series, book 4)
- Diabetes: how to beat it! (Dave Schofield)
- Diabetes for dummies (fifth edition) (Alan L Rubin)
- The diary of a young girl (Anne Frank)
- Down the line (Pam Ayres)
- Ed Sherran (Sean Smith)
- The emperor's new clothes (Hans Christian Anderson)
- Fourteen friends (James Lees-Milne)
- Goodbye, dearest Holly (Kevin Wells)
- The happy prince (Oscar Wilde)
- Hollywood husbands (Jackie Collins)
- Hot to trot (Lou Wakefield)
- I don't mean to be rude, but ... (Simon Cowell)
- Inconceivable (Ben Elton)
- It takes one to know one (Gervase Phinn)
- Jane Austen (Carol Shields)
- The last devil to die (Richard Osman, Thursday murder club series, book 4)
- The love of a good woman (Alice Munro)
- The magic bed knob (Mary Norton, Bed-knobs and broomsticks, book 1)
- The man who died twice (Richard Osman, Thursday murder club series, book 2)
- Mary Poppins (P L Travers, Mary Poppins series, book 1)
- Mary Poppins comes back (P L Travers, Mary Poppins series, book 2)
- Mary Poppins in Cherry Tree Lane (P L Travers, Mary Poppins series, book 7)
- Mary Poppins in the park (P L Travers, Mary Poppins series, book 4)
- Mary Poppins opens the door (P L Travers, Mary Poppins series, book 3)
- The necessary aptitude: a memoir (Pam Ayres)
- Osteoporosis: how to strengthen your bones and lower your risk of fractures (Mary Scott)
- Overcoming osteoporosis: bone loss treatment (Fiola Miles)
- A parrot in the pepper tree (Chris Stewart)
- Paula: my story so far (Paula Radcliffe)
- Planet of the blind (Stephen Kuusisto)
- Pregnancy: what you need to know (Health Education Council)
- Princess in love (Anna Pasternak)
- Rags to Richie: the story so far (Shane Richie)
- Raven black (Ann Cleeves, Shetland series, Four seasons quartet, book 1)
- Rebuilding Coventry (Sue Townsend)
- Richard and Judy: the autobiography (Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan)
- Selected stories (Alice Munro)
- Sweet baby (Sharon Sala)
- Taking on the world (Ellen MacArthur)
- That close (Suggs)
- This is going to hurt: secret diaries of a junior doctor (Adam Kay)
- The Thursday murder club (Richard Osman, Thursday murder club series, book 1)
- Trainspotting (Irvine Welsh)
- Tuscan soup (Lou Wakefield)
- Twas the nightshift before Christmas (Adam Kay)
- Type 1 diabetes for the newly diagnosed (Ariel Warren)
- Undoctored: the story of a medic who ran out of patients (Adam Kay)
- We solve murders (Richard Osman, We solve murders series, book 1)
- Wham! George and me (Andrew Ridgeley)
- A whole new world (Katie Price, Autobiographies, book 2)
- Zlata's diary: a child's life in Sarajevo (Zlata Filipović)