Books read
Some friends and I keep a record of some of the books that we read.
Read data (1983 books and 7 participants)
Read data listed by author (1983 books and 7 participants)
Read by only one participant data (1536 books and 6 participants)
Read by only one participant data listed by author (1536 books and 6 participants)
Read ranking (7 participants)
Read ranking with dates (7 participants)
Read by only one participant ranking (6 participants)
Read by only one participant ranking with dates (6 participants)
Proportions ranking (7 participants)
Proportions ranking with dates (7 participants)
Read (1983 books and 7 participants)
Amy T read (413 books)
Becky read (407 books)
David read (1473 books)
Denise read (49 books)
Emma read (393 books)
Malcolm read (243 books)
Shaun read (8 books)
Read listed by author (1983 books and 7 participants)
Amy T read listed by author (413 books)
Becky read listed by author (407 books)
David read listed by author (1473 books)
Denise read listed by author (49 books)
Emma read listed by author (393 books)
Malcolm read listed by author (243 books)
Shaun read listed by author (8 books)
Read by only one participant (1536 books and 6 participants)
Amy T and no other (40 books)
Becky and no other (68 books)
David and no other (1380 books)
Emma and no other (39 books)
Malcolm and no other (4 books)
Shaun and no other (5 books)
Read by only one participant listed by author (1536 books and 6 participants)
Amy T and no other listed by author (40 books)
Becky and no other listed by author (68 books)
David and no other listed by author (1380 books)
Emma and no other listed by author (39 books)
Malcolm and no other listed by author (4 books)
Shaun and no other listed by author (5 books)
Read history
Amy T read history
Becky read history
David read history
Denise read history
Emma read history
Malcolm read history
Shaun read history
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